Played table tennis and although im not great it was alot easier to pick up than golf. That might be down to the coaching though. My missus' step dad is ex british champion... he coaches TT as his day job so is probably alot better standard than a few mates saying my golf swing should be different etc. On a side note, having look at the web page.. a slight improve to potentially recommend.. as a 30odd year old.. when would i turn up if i wanted a one off game on an evening.. only thing i can potentially see is a wednesday morning?
I'm absolutely useless at nearly all sports. Cycling & football I was passable at. Was an average musician back in the 89's & 90's. Had some minor success at that, but decided DJing was my game. Apart from lock down I've made a good living at that.
Lol , out of the years I spent with you lot don't think I did bad , now the question was I good or was you lot poor
former hockey player. as for watching sports - er! the bigger the balls involved the more entertaining I find it. (over to you SD!)
Hard sport here we go anything harder than skateboarding? My lads have been obsessed. This video has the youngest as the last skater. He’s been at it breaking bones , wearing out shoes from age 8. Seen the light recently? Loved watching the reds last night and is holding down centre forward with Arnside fc.
Skateboarding (top level) and ski/snowboard - especially the halfpipe, big air and slopestyle - are in the insane category that combine multiple hard sports to make something even harder. I'm just waiting for some absolute loon to combine those with the ski jump...
I have already said in an earlier post that golf is the hardest sport......put the Players golf championship on now(live on sky) and it will prove my point.....with that I will rest my case lol !
In this country, cricket. We definitely make cricket look like the hardest sport to master. Aussies on the other hand....