If you contact the Cycle Hub in the interchange you can borrow one for a month to try out. A mate of mine has just done this, he cycles with me regularly but is having health problems so looking at electric as a solution. I know a few people who have them & they recommend them especially to get up hills. But being a young un at 68 I'm sticking with my Trek DS for now !
Go for it, you will still get some exercise and as you get fitter you can put more effort in on the hills and that will shorten the time taken. But like I said, not cheap.
Ahh right, know them, from Ingleby. I’m also intrigued about an electric bike for same reasons as OP and was aware of sellers but not aware of a manufacturer in Lincoln, hence question. Thanks
They’re still in business I think but no idea if they have a retail outlet on site. I certainly couldn’t fault the bikes and it was novel having a Union Jack on the front. Good, solid bikes.
If you get one and intend to take it on holidays then check your holiday insurance carefully. A neighbour recently had two stolen from a campsite in the New Forest. They cost around £4000. Their holiday insurance (with Barclays Bank) refused to pay anything. It turned out that their policy had a clause in very, very small print stating electric bikes and scooters were not covered!!!
You’ve got far too much money mate lol Although living where you do I suppose you will get your use from them