I think it's fair to say that Fulham and surrounding areas are a damn sight more affluent than Barnsley, no axe to grind its just a fact
sorry, but folk, even southerners will have a budget, 12-30 k/o in dirty old barnsley just won't appeal to some, i took my kids to both fulham and qpr away this season just for the experience, qpr was also an early k/o time, football away days are not just about seeing the game itself, it's more about the entire day out and memories
It would be interesting to note how many fans watched the game who did not travel from Barnsley or Fulham. When I watched the great win at Fulham I travelled from Plymouth as serving in the RN then. I have not lived in Barnsley since the early 80's but watch them home or away whenever possible. I recently went to Derby County and now live on the Isle of Man. COYR!!
What a bizarre thread. I might have expected a few more but I’ve not lost to any sleep over it. I watched the game from home as yesterday was the only chance I’d get to do stuff before a couple of family birthdays and being best man at a wedding in Cumbria next weekend. By doing so I only missed the first few minutes. If I’d had to park somewhere and get to the ground I’d have probably missed most of the first half. If that makes me a sh*t fan in the eyes of some folk on here I’ll live with that. If it was a 3pm kick off I’d have been there. As would many more Barnsley and Fulham fans.
Wasn’t this game changed fairly last minute as well? That never helps with attendances and planning. Wouldn’t surprise me with Fulham and the number of 12:30pm kick offs if a few hundred have just given up trying to travel any distance.
We would have smashed it in their situation. If yesterday we had been 13 points clear at the top of the Championship with a dozen games to go our fans wouldn't have cared that it was half 12 and on Sky we would have took at least twice as much.