The same kind of white noise you get from his programme notes. No substance at all in his words. I don't see the point of speaking for the sake of it when you've nothing of note to speak about.
Yawn. Some of you moan at every opportunity. Damned if they do. Damned if they don’t. Re the season ticket issue. Supporters groups have been invited to a meeting prior to the invitation to all. To give their thoughts on next seasons proposed pricing. Whether it will be a welcome one. Is to be seen. I personally will defer judgement till then. obviously all the latest increases in the cost of living will have to be taken into account hopefully. Whist comparing season ticket prices at other clubs to gauge other pricing . I found it astonishing the prices in the National league.
Walked past me in Ponty, wonder if he found any chicken flatbreads? First thing I thought when I read it was pre amble to season ticket renewal, he’s got top weight on convincing me to renew that ship has sailed.
It's a particularly poor communication though. If you're going to communicate, you've got to have a reason for doing it. The tone is spectacularly off. It's not obvious what it's purpose is. And it's wrapped up in tubthumping and gimme feelgood tones intended to try and pull on heart strings of the now, much more cynical fan base. And of course, it doesn't sound anything like his existing verbal communications we've heard to date. It therefore falls into the worst of all positions of not only feeling disingenuous, but also being in someone else's words. A meeting is a positive, especially if it's floating ideas that aren't indeed a fait accompli, but it just smacks of a cynical, desperate, disingenuous communication. Anything other than being humble in the extreme is likely to fail to be met with a tepid response at best. Particularly when so many existing issues still feel unresolved.
Get thissen darn if possible. The supporters group representatives don’t hold back. And tell it how they see it. A smaller group tends to get their point over and hopefully they listen. Instead of a packed room free for all. Gally takes most points raised on here forward. I don’t know if he has been invited to the pre meeting.