I live in the south. And? Ah, you've edited your post and added some context. Thanks for that. Obviously it's absolutely impossible for me to attend. My issue isn't an event. It's the woeful comms.
The guy is just an employee trying to do his job & PR is a part of that, I for one have respect for the letter , you can interpret it any way you like , I detest the owners passionately but that does not mean that every piece of communication has to be met with critique & the fact that he sat in the Ponty where he would have been wide open to abuse shows the bloke has got a pair , its a case of cut the lad a bit of slack for me but no doubt he will get the usual stick from the majority .
Irrespective of what anyone comes back with from meetings. Be it positive or negative. They tend to get negative responses to everything. From the usuals. Who in turn call out everyone else, eg, as happy clappers. I get involved in more meetings than I care to think about. In and outside of football. And I can smell bu11shit as much as anyone else can. The comms issue has been brought up at the last few meetings by yours truly. I get the sense they may be starting to listen. But listening and acting on some issues don’t always get an immediate response.
So the world hide and seek champion has turned up. An open letter to the fans that told us absolutely nothing. Blah blah blah blah blah licking our backsides when in reality it all goes back to their one and only aim. They want the working class supporters money to pay off their own debts. I can smell the bull sh*t a mile away through ‘his’ words on the website. It’s embarrassing for him and the club that the begging bowl is out for the season ticket renewals….,. Does he think the fans are dumb ? Where has he and his cronies been over the past few months they have done and said nothing and hidden away whilst the club has been dying on its backside. Playing killer pool in the Manx arms and a crocodile tears open letter to the fans it’s all a show……. don’t be fooled by this lot keep your money in your pockets don’t give them another penny that’s the only way we can get rid of them. This act of theirs was predicated weeks and months ago. Like flys round sh*t they will be buzzing around us and rattling the season ticket begging tins and all of a sudden like cockroaches they will come out of the woodwork when they want and need something. ie: your cash……right on que as if by magic the ceo appears……..embarrassing
I couldn't give a rats **** about communications from the club. I go and watch the game, sometimes it's good, sometimes it isn't. A few comments from whichever CEO is in charge at the time means nothing whatsoever to me.
Yeah I have. As usual, any points let me know although you'll have your own chance as well later in the evening.
I've had a few conversations with Khaled over the past few months. I like what he has to say and I think he genuinely wants what's best for Barnsley FC BUT he's been brought into the club straight after an interim CEO has done an absolute car crash of a job over the summer. It's all too easy to slap the label of mouthpiece etc and slate him but the simple fact is that it's higher up the pecking order you need to be directing your anger. IMO, he's still clearing up the **** that's been left on his desk. He was brought in from City Group and was a recommendation and doesn't come with any prior knowledge or allegiances to any particular party in the ownership group and from what I'm led to believe the owners let him get on with things pretty autonomously.I think he's got some good ideas for the future and I think, providing he is here long enough and gets the required backing, some real progress can be made on and off the field. As for the "not a penny more" approach. It's not the right thing to do. Trust me. There ARE better times in the not too distant future and the club needs your backing. (by the way, still think he got the West Stand issue completely wrong)
Ahh the good old promise of jam tomorrow when we've got nothing in for tea today. Not having a go at you Gally but what's to stop the board taking the money and using it the pay the Crynes again. People would be much more inclined to stump up their hard earned cash if the board simply said they've got the message and the £750 k will be paid back and no more club funds will be used to pay off their debts to the Crynes in fact it would be a start if they did just one of those things
This is the problem for me. He can make any promises he wants for the future but why would anyone trust him after his pretty clear lies about the west stand? After denying it had anything to do with stewarding he finally admitted it was due to stewarding costs at your q&a. Add that to the rubbish about the vouchers being with the printers for 6 years and his claims that we received no offers for players in the summer and why would we believe anything he says? As for him being dealt a **** hand and still cleaning it up I have to ask who was in charge of the January transfer window and made the decision to extend Kane's loan deal leaving us with a bench of Palmer and benson to bring on in midfield each week? Everyone in Barnsley knew they were weak as piss and needed replacing long before January yet here we are in march and they're still guaranteed game time due to a poor transfer window
Thanks for this. I realize you are privy to information you're not allowed to share, but reading between the lines, this sounds positive. As you mention, a lot of the plans rest on things which may be outside Khaled's control.
I have to agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly. I think at the moment we need to get behind the team. Whether people renew is another decision entirely.
Another post I agree with. Bassi & Quina have given us a wafer thin chance of doing the impossible. I'm still sure PMG are bad for the club, but let's let the season run it's course & give it a chance. No one needs to pay hard earned cash for season passes unless they are convinced it is worth it. As it stands I'm in two minds as yet.
I believe he does want what's best for BFC Gally. And I also believe he's still clearing up some of the **** from the summer. But he's created a load more **** directly himself. As you yourself say, his handling of the West Stand closure was truly appalling. Mr transparency sought to obfuscate and cloud the reasons for the closure and my view is that he's continued the charade ever since. Similar accusations could be made about the vouchers. I also believe he was much too slow in sacking Schopp and irrespective of the recent improved performances made an unnecessary and poor gamble on Asbaghi. Also his regular use of "we'll review it at the end of the season"*, causes me to question his capabilities. A CEO shouldn't put off the critical things that require urgent attention. The tattered flag flying over the West Stand was symbolic of his leadership. He's shovelled plenty of additional **** onto his desk imo. * Edit - in your interview with him a little while back.
I think Kane was a footballing decision though. Would you rather have Kane back or Quina/Bassi? We did try lots of avenues for a holding midfielder but couldn't get one over the line (for the budget we had available without shipping other players out and we did get offers in Jan). Even the loan players we were in for had parent clubs wanting huge wages.
I think hiring/firing managers would be a board decision. He can make a recommendation but I'd expect that would ratification by the board. I don't believe the vouchers changed content only they were really poorly printed. Of course, it's bad that it took so long to get them out. I'm hoping they keep the season ticket offer simple this time and only promise what can be delivered.