Evening gally appreciate your reply but with respect I think you and the fan base are being made a mug of. You personally have seen the plans that excite you from the ceo so what’s the big secret how about sharing them with 11000 season ticket holders and fans further afield. this ceo is the mouthpiece and nothing more with his begging bowl out for season ticket renewals that’s the only reason he’s out in public now making statements. Where has he and the others up the food chain been all season. They’ve been playing hide and seek. They need our coin to pay off their debts….the bloody irony of it makes my p*ss boil. this ceo is a puppet on the strings of yes men, I’ve no doubt he showed you and a few select others plans that are wonderful for BFC and it’s future……so where are they and what are the plans ? No respect and no ambition. how do you feel gally that money is being taken from us working class fans to pay the debts of so called billionaires ? Shutting the west stand to fill the coffers with away followings money etc etc the list of disrespect no ambition deceit killing the club and asset stripping from this lot goes on and on. Why didn’t the ceo sit in the ponty a few months ago ? Better still he should have sat in the west stand but he was too busy counting away fans match day ticket money whilst kicking out generations of season ticket holders and closing it to move staff to the away end. actions not words is what we need Away games only and not giving them a penny more is the only way forward, that’s all this lot are bothered about…..pound notes
You're clearly a passionate supporter like the majority of us, but I don't think this 'puppet' and 'mouthpiece' chat helps getting your point across at all. Of all the things to level at the CEO, being visible really isn't one of them. Definitely not to the level you like to describe on here. It's also pretty ironic to criticise him weekly for being quiet, when he hasn't been, to only then go and criticise him when he does speak. At that point you're basically admitting that no matter what he says, or doesn't say, you're going to lay in to him regardless.
To be clear though. The money taken out was money owed to Patrick on the day the club was purchased. It was never the club's money in that respect. 6m pounds was injected into the club by the new owners on the day the purchase went through to pay off Patrick's debt. Patrick opted not to take that money with relegation looming. He agreed to take it if we were promoted from League One at the first attempt. When promotion back to the Championship was far from guaranteed, it was agreed to reduce it from 6m to 3.5m. The 750K was the first instalment of this. So talk of asset stripping etc is not the reality of the situation. Admittedly, it's hard to square when fans are asked to pay for season tickets and not see a ball kicked but the money was part of the original sale of the club. If Patrick had taken it on the day of the sale, as was his right, we wouldn't be having any of these conversations.
A decent thread this with some good views pro and against. I feel a bit for him to be honest. He does genuinely seem to be trying to engage with the fan base even if he has made a couple of **** ups along the way. He surely deserves credit for that. The problem is, he isn’t the issue - the owners are. If any supporter has come to the view that we cannot progress under these owners ( I have) then that remains THE issue. Nothing the CEO says can change that. in trying to use the (very limited) influence we have as fans, one of the few ways we can do that is to not renew Season Tickets, and put pressure on the sponsors to disassociate themselves from the Club. Both actions are damaging to the Club’s finances but how else can fans exert any pressure? I won’t be renewing next season (no matter what the offer). I will be urging all my fellow fans to do so the same until we have some regime change. Only then do I think the Club can move forward.
Evening loko, I suppose opinions are like backsides eh ? We’ve all got one and I respect what you are saying and appreciate the hard graft you put in for the supporters trust. My opinion is is that this ceo of ours has done a woeful job and has not given the fans the whole truth at times. He has grand plans apparently for BFC so where and what are they ? New handryers in the toilets or a free bag of monster munch with every £30 quid spent in the east stand canteen ? where has he and the others above him been all season ? In the business world he would have been sacked already. The long list of **** ups on and off the field since Val left has been a horror show and as if by magic just as the season ticket renewals are getting ready he appears and starts writing love letters on the website whilst humming three little birds…..don’t you find that embarrassing ? Rome has been burning all season and they have stood back and watched and done nothing. I like your positivity about him loko but I think the thousands who don’t renew next season will tell him and the owners above him what they think of them and this sh*t show.
To be honest this hard graft that you mention each time you reply, it’s appreciated but totally irrelevant. Doesn’t add weight or take weight away from an opinion. You say he would have been sacked in the business world by now. I don’t think that could be further from the truth considering the situation he inherited. Likely the opposite. You claim he’s been hiding for months but seem to blissfully ignore that he’s been quite visible. We didn’t see or hear much from in across December, but most of our games were postponed and we weren’t in a transfer window. As visible, if not more visible, than our last 6/7 CEOs. I haven’t been positive about him per say. Just challenged your way over the top negativity, a level of inaccuracy, and at times pretty rude posts that just don’t do your view point any favours. That long list you mention since Val left should almost universally be used against the acting CEO in the Summer rather than this one.
@Gally This is not correct. No money was injected in to the club by the new owners. the payment was for the equity held by Oakwell Holdings. The perceived injection was simply Patrick writing off his debt. This was converted to the share premium balance shown in the accounts. If the debt to pay the deferred instalments were that of the club this would have to be shown as a deferred liability in the accounts just as they it is shown as a deferred asset in Oakwell Holding accounts.
I can genuinely see both points of view on this. After the season we've had, it's easy to see how people are cynical about the timing of this sudden flurry of engagement with the fans. However I also think it deserves credit to do things like go and sit in the Ponty. I wonder how many people took the opportunity to talk to him and share their views directly? There's no brushing over what's happened, and I'm personally not a fan of 'good things are coming, trust us'. I definitely wouldn't want to see that message coming from supporters groups either. Just takes me back to 'in the know' factions, which is just as frustrating. Trust is earned through actions, not words. The owners have lost so much trust through their actions, and for me they have a massive job to regain it. At this point I have zero interest in what they say. I'm only interested in what they do. A flurry of PR on the eve of ST renewals is pretty obvious. It's no different than what I'd expect and I see it as no more than that. Marketing. Not a criticism, I imagine it's what every club does. But let's not try and pass it off as some new found fan engagement drive. Fans are a bit cleverer than that.
Ok maybe I didn't comprehend the difference between cash being injected to the balance sheet and the share allocation on the day of the sale, but the contractual agreement does relate to that debt from what I understand.
Why is it that when 10-20,000 fans have asked for information regarding the 750,000 and the owing of money it's only ever answered privately to people such as yourself?
In my opinion the most important point was regards to getting behind the lads from now till the end of the season. The fans protests against the owners are counter productive to what happens on the field. Most of the players are giving 100%. I'm sure the coaches can recognise what we see regards one or two players regards effort,which at times I question. Pretty much on cue regards timing and season tickets. Fans should make there own minds up about renewing, I made my mind up 3 seasons ago.
I wonder how many people in the ponty actually knew who he was or did he have to mention it in a loud voice, "you do know who I am, don't you". Probably not on both counts, he'd have been given some short shrift. Anyway I imagine he has been shoved out by those above him to test the water and then told to write some tosh about how great we all are as a "team", playing on our emotions at S/t renewal time. We knew this was coming and no surprises that it has.