I don't have Sky Sports, too pricey and not that fussed about Premier League. Given that we're on the 'red button' on Saturday would that be covered by a day pass?
Just buy an iFollow pass for a tenner. It's four cameras, replays, graphics and club commentary. I'd rather s*** in my hands and clap than watch football on the red button through a 720p analyst camera.
As others said use the iFollow one its the same price and much better with replays etc. Also I dont think the day pass gets you red button coverage but I am not sure. I get it via BT sport as a bonus stream but have to watch on the app not the box directly but I wouldnt pay £10 for the red button coverage when iFollow is much better for the same price
It's so true. If folk have Sky already, I understand not paying another tenner. I think it's a couple of quid cheaper (iFollow) if you get a flight elsewhere.
Not withstanding the comment made by the sky commentator during the Bristol game, I’m far from convinced that this game will actually be on the red button.
I didn't think iFollow would be an option on a Saturday game. More than happy to stick the cash in the club coffers than Sky if it is available on a Saturday. I can't be arsed 'moving' to Spain for two hours and re-registering if that's what's needed though.
There was a programme on Sky on the red button about The Female Orgasm. But I couldn't seem to find it! Don't worry........ Yes I'm here all week.
There’s a blanket ban on live coverage in the UK for games between 3-5, so the early kick off means that Sky and Ifollow can show it. The home game was also on the red button after being rearranged from Saturday at 3pm. Am guessing the clubs have agreed to it as well.
I appreciate the point you're making but I don't think people pay for Sky to then pay an additional tenner to watch the games they are interested in elsewhere
I appreciate you've read this post, but ignored the next one where I make the exact point you are now merely repeating. Edit: Unnecessarily smarty pants reply from myself. My apologies.