Lets have a negative thread about something that hasnt happened yet. We are not yet relegated. We have not sold any players. We cant sign players until the summer. We dont know what the recruitment team are doing in the back ground. We dont know what player contract talks are planned. It might not be that bad. Vita Bassi may stay sign. Wolfe could sign a new contract. Barnsley might stay up. If we go down we might comeback up. Who the chuff knows. I might get run over by a bus, who knows? But im not going to worry about it, ill look both ways before crossing.
Is the recruitment strategy going to change this summer? No matter what league we’re in I & I suspect many others won’t be renewing until the recruitment strategy changes & we get some actual communication from the owners. If they can’t be arsed, I can’t be arsed. And let’s face it, even if we stay up the likes of Collins, Styles, Helik & Morris will most likely be sold on.
Based on what? There is a gulf in class between L1 and the Championship that is as large as that between the Championship and the Premier League. Rotherham were woeful last year and until the last couple of weeks were running away with the it. We've sufficient quality to be extremely competitive in L1 if the likely relegation happens.
The quality of what signings we make is dependent on what income we bring in. The owners will not invest. If we dont sell many season tickets, matchday tickets, sponsorship, shirt sales, tv money then quality of signings drop. No fans no club. Owners move on with their billion, we lose our club. Two wrongs dont make a right.
Last season, even though it had one of its best seasons ever and finished in a play-off position, Barnsley Football Club lost over £4m. Frankly, the reason there was so little money spent going into this season is that there was none left. It is OK to rubbish the current owners if that is all you want to do. We have lost again, and someone has to take the blame. However, if you want to be taken seriously, you must have a different plan for on the field success allied to financial stability, and preferably a better one. The current owners took over the club with the blessing of Patrick Cryne because they had promised to continue with his basic plan. That plan did not take into account COVID, and it did not take into account BREXIT. It offered a way forward based upon keeping within a budget, buying cheap, improving and selling on for a profit. The plan had worked for Patrick Cryne, but it has worked less well for the new owners, who have had to face different challenges. If the owners do not want to invest the sort of money that other owners in the Championship have done, and I use the word invest in the loosest terms. What I really mean is throw away. What other plan is there that limits the future losses that would need to be financed by a new owner, because I know one thing. If we go down to League 1, we lose money, but if we stay up and attempt to compete with the current lot of owners in the Championship.... we lose money. That is the challenge. Finding a plan that gives us on the field success in the Championship that does not cost more than we want to spend.
Ill keep doing what I can, ill buy our season tickets, buy my kids a new shirt and encourage friends to come to the match. This small bit wont keep our club a float but its the only part I can control.
You logic is not right. The current owners are facing a cash short fall of around £9m next year if the club get relegated. 20000 season ticket sales would bring in around £4m. The notion that the success or failure is down to fans turning up is not correct. If the owners continue with the current approach then the sale of players is an absolute necessity to allow the club to continue.
why would the owners leaving make any difference as they have clearly stated they will not spend money of their own money and demonstrated this by using our money to pay their debts? You could run the club and using that strategy it would be no different.
If we lose all loan players and Helik, Morris, Styles, Mads, Collins and possibly Woodrow and keep Poya as manager I would expect us to struggle. If like Rotherham we keep pretty much the same team and say sign Bassi and Vita and only lose Helik and Morris we will do well.
You've painted a pretty bleak scenario, i.e. we lose all our quality players, seemingly do not replace and don't use the loan market. Could happen I suppose, but I'd guess we'd likely try replacing and have one or two loanees on board.
I’m just not sure we can use Rotherham as a barometer. They are coming back up with a settled side where they lost very few players and an experienced manager. we are supposed to be running a system where we don’t use loans to improve players for other clubs but atm we are clearly doing just that to try to dig us out of a hole Can you honestly see the 5 I mentioned lining up in L1? And yes we will look to sign players but our recent record is very patchy and given the financial position I guess we will only be looking at loans or free transfers. I think it could go either way myself. I think season tickets will take a massive hit down to 5k (ish) and Pay on the day is prohibitively expensive
Yes, I have. They should repay it. However, £750k will make little difference. We are talking £ millions. If it was easy to come up with a more workable strategy, then every club would be doing it. It isn't easy. Anyone can point out the dangers associated with relegation, or indeed running a club unprofitably in the Championship. The difficulty is in finding an alternative strategy. I certainly haven't got one.
I don’t think the issue was how much money was spent, more what it was spent on. Paying a fee for Benson and thinking he replace Mowatt straight away was naive. As was giving a good contract to Oulare given his injury record. We also replaced Sollbauer with novices
there’s zero chance Kane will be back if we have to sell . Why would he want to come back? As for Cole, Moon, Oulare, Brittain, Iseka and Davies and Walton to an extent , I wouldn't play them in the Sunday leagues .
That's clearly a factually incorrect statement because the club sold a large amount of season tickets last summer and the recruitment was absolutely dire so the quality of recruitment has nothing to do with income and everything to do with trying to polish turds into diamonds to make the board a profit.