I'll take that as a yes then. If your definition of 'woke' is not being racist, then I'm happy with that.
disagree. what he did was physically assault someone, in plain sight of millions of people, because he didn't like a $hit joke. up to him if he wants to take that line, but he should be held to account for it. not be cosseted with an award, then get an ovation, bust out the old 'tearful speech' and talk about 'coming from a position of love'. then rocks up at the after show, high-fiving everyone. do you honestly believe every stand up comedian that makes a joke, is fair game for people going up on stage and giving them a crack?
It’s bit ironic that Chris Rock makes a crass joke about a black womans hair when he got praised for his documentary ‘Good Hair’ on , you guessed it , black womens hair .
From what i can make out of it; Rock made a joke which wasn't acceptable as Will's other half has alopecia. Will Smith then bitch slapped him for being a twit! Nowt wrong with that in my mind.
Seriously, you need to chill out. This thread had nothing to do with racism etc until you made it about that. Get a grip.
I said cancel culture was ******** and just made up by right wing political commentators - which it is. I said that people in the public eye who make racist comments and the like have had to deal with the consequences of that - which they have. I then got accused of being 'woke' (whatever that means), because I would never racially abuse a referee or be homophobic to an opposition player. Don't tell me to get a grip. I don't want you 'cancelling' me. Edit: And the two people who have liked your post mean that you're probably talking rhubarb. It's akin to getting a like from Nudge.
Nearly........Will Smith was enjoying the joke and then spotted the daggers his missus was sending his way, so changed his viewpoint sharpish, on the fear that he was about to receive from his missus what he dished out to Mr Rock
You clearly have a chip on your shoulder about it. If you think i'm some kind of right wing idiot going around calling people snowflakes or something, you're very wide of the mark. You got your back up when cancel culture was mentioned as your connotations of it are clearly different to mine. If you look at the wiki article for it, Barack Obama is even quoted as saying how dangerous it is and that people have flaws and make mistakes. How James Gunn was treated would be a good example of this. You then started bringing race into it when it wasn't about race in the first place. No need to be so aggressive.
He got in one little fight and his agent got scared, And said "you can't punch a bloke cos your wife's got no hair"
If this was just any random Tom, dick & harry, they'd have been removed by security and/or arrested. It was a joke, a bad joke, probably misplaced. But ultimately, it was a joke. What happens if Jimmy Carr, Kevin Hart, Sarah Silverman says this at one of their shows, and a random member acted how Will Smith did? What would happen then? Talk about privilege. There's lots of publicity around the Smith's marriage, about it not going well. So I assume, when Will Smith saw his wife's face, then it brought alot of bad memories up for him, and he acted on it. But jokes are jokes, and are made with snippets of truth all the time. One persons experience will ALWAYS vary from another persons experience. But if violence happened every time a bad joke got said, we'd have no comedians. People on the right take the micky out of Biden all the time, people on the left take it out of Trump all the time. Are they going to go around causing violence with everyone they get offended by? Will Smith has every right to defend his wife, but it should have been handled differently. In my opinion......
No I don't have a chip on my shoulder - and I apologise if I came off as aggressive. I should have left the subject this afternoon, but the bloke got my back up by saying I was woke for not abusing refs or opposition players. I only "brought race into it" by trying to explain that there are certain things a person should be "cancelled" (if that's what we're calling it) for. And that was one of them. That's it.
I said , in this case, in these conditions it was alright to punch somebody who goes too far in insulting your wife ( Rock knew the truth) I also said he shouldn’t have done it onstage. If you don’t think it’s right to stand up for your family , that’s your loss.
I think it is fair game to stand up for your other half, as I would.... actually hitting someone is taking it a bit far though.
There are better ways for a public figure to stand up for his wife than violence. He literally had a platform in front of the world later that night where he had the opportunity to address the issue with thought, dignity and eloquence rather than throwing a crap punch. It's not my loss if I think there are better ways to address insults than violence, it's society's gain.
Fair enough, like I said he should have had a word back stage, but it was a particularly unfunny snide comment, in front of a very large audience.
Each to their own, I just think it was a particularly shitty personal comment, delivered in a very public way. I maybe bit a bit hard at your get a grip jibe