I'm not actually sure what my first game was but the east stand was getting built. Actually now I think about it I bet archdeacon isn't my lowest numbered player but he's the lowest I remember seeing if that makes sense.
I'm quite proud of the fact that my lowest number player on the list is a huge legend and huge man. Number 671, the late, great Eric Winstanley.
Lowest number that I can remember watching was 654 Eric Brookes from my first season in 1964/65. When I was in my late teens I played a works match v another pit team. They had a big old centre half that was as hard as nails. Turned out he was number - 621 Henry Walters. Talked to him after game and he was a really nice bloke.
Well done to everyone concerned - clearly a lot of hard work gone into this. Before reading these statistics had someone asked me how many players had played for B.F.C. since 1888 - about 125 seasons - (excluding war years) I would have come up with a guess well in excess of 1376. I wonder if in recent seasons more players have represented the club each season than in the 'old days?'
I see mi owd mate is at 669 he only played once and then transferred to Barrow where he shot them into division 3 and made a hero, good owd Roy
There must be thousands that signed on and never played in the 1st team I was one of them my signing on number by the football league was No.12746.