He tells lies, as simple as that. "No self-employed people will be excluded from the covid assistance." I was, along with many others. I lost a lot of income, and I didn't receive anything from the governmen, along with many others in a similar situation. His multi-millionaire wife received hundreds of thousands in furlough payments for her various companies, thousands of self-employed people received nothing.
I thought Rishi had been remarkably honest over the last week. He’s openly admitted that he chose to not give more help to the worse off in order to save for a tax break prior to the next election. They know it doesn’t even play badly any more. The media won’t follow up, Tory voters will be happy and the left are too busy finding reasons not to support the LotO to get annoyed about fundamental things like a millionaire who is literally condemning tens of thousands of children into poverty.
listen to a very rich Rishi being questioned by the selected committee, A Scottish SNP mp asked him about the loan of £200 to the poor who were struggling with the rise in fuel, he said, and get this, it is not a loan because they can pay it back at £40 a month. He lives in a different world to you and I.
DePfeffel is at the "super" select committee. Aside from dodging every question, his highlights so far are:- Failing to admit that covid laws were broken at Downing Street despite 20 FPN's being issued with more to follow. Failing to admit that employment is down on pre pandemic levels despite multiple rebukes and official ONS stats being recounted to him. And calling the tokenist support on the energy crisis to "tiding people over".... despite the worst of the impact to come from October. Grim.
Saw his performance at PMQs earlier. Stated that there are 200,000 less kids in poverty now... I'm guessing that's because they are now classed as being in abject poverty rather than just poverty.
There was a question at the select committee outlining a push for a bill to be passed to make it illegal to lie in the commons. I think a cold bead of sweat broke out just beneath DePfeffels toddler haircut.
you are being far too generous its almost certainly just an outright lie. I will be amazed if anyone can find a credible source to back up the figures Bozo produced
I disagree. They actively encourage the support of the white working class in many ways. By stoking a ‘culture war’ where the more progressive and liberal Labour Party can be painted as woke and out of touch. By actively alienating the very poorest, it’s a sad fact that many ‘hard working’ working class families don’t like paying taxes which just allow ‘scroungers’ to get away with doing nothing. Racist policies The promise that if you work hard and get rich, you won’t have to pay high taxes and you can be ‘one of them’. and on and on. The bottom line is that plenty of ‘working class’ people have a right wing mindset. And half the reason I can’t countenance the working class left who believe that the Labour Party is ‘only for them’. If it wasn’t for middle class socialists there would never have been a Labour government.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...ks-millionaire-wife-close-Russian-office.html He must have had a word with the wife. That family don't need the money and should donate some to the Ukraine to say sorry for not acting sooner.
Still amazes me why anyone votes for them with anything like a working class background. Can only think that there must be a **** ton of multimillionaires on here. ♂️
Martin Lewis always interviews him well. Some good questions asked from people who got in contact with Martin.
He came to visit my former (Legal & General) work site last year, at Sherburn. And it was pathetic seeing and hearing everybody smarm up to him, and kiss his ar*se at every opportunity.
He isn't without his fault especially recently. However in a list of Tory party members to dislike there are many above him Any chancellor would have had a tough time these past two years, but as a young chancellor who only got the position weeks before a pandemic he has done alright. You can tell he hates Boris as well and only puts up with him for the party.