I used to like it when the 8-9 pm slot was filled with light hearted entertainment like Telly Addicts and The Brittas Empire. Insert your own family entertainment here basically.
Don't know if it was good or bad as I managed to get through its entire run without seeing a single second of it. Admittedly, not owning a TV or watching TV was quite helpful in that. Was it related to Casualty? I saw a few minutes of that once. Some people pretending to be doctors and nurses were pretending to treat someone who was pretending to be ill. No one appeared particularly adept at the pretending they were required to do.
Last thing, of interest, I watched on telly, was a bowl of baked beans spinning round for two and a half minutes. Then it made this ping like sound and went off and I haven’t watched owt since.
Was it a spin-off from Casualty? Mindst I've never seen that either, apart from the theme tune, blues and twos was it? and that Charlie fella gurning on GMTV and the like.
I don't, and never have, own a microwave either. I'm the subject of study of a number of well respected anthropologists. I'm currently classed as pre-neanderthal, possibly the missing link. Although I do have opposable thumbs.