It was great to see some of our old players back today. Pat Howard, Mick McCarthy, Ian Evans, Barry Murphy, John Hendrie, Trevor Aylott, Paul Wilkinson, Danny Wilson - some great players in that list. Not ignoring the others but I'd argue they perhaps didn't play as great a role for us. Made me feel a bit emotional actually. For me at least it also illustrated the changes in the club. Several of those on the pitch were older when signed which we are unlikely to see in future and whilst we have always been a selling club, even those who were sold seemed to make more appearances before it happened - McCarthy 270+, Howard 170+, Evans 100+, Aylott 100 ish I think. I know there are exceptions to the rule (Barrowclough, Otulakowski, Gorry, Hirst all immediately spring to mind) and I also know that it's not just down to the owners strategy (albeit I genuinely think it makes it more likely) but I wonder how long it'll be before we see any player breaking into the list of say the top 20 appearance holders for Barnsley FC. I miss the connection with players who stayed longer and were somehow more invested in the club - at least that's how it felt. And Whitey - can we have Mick Butler back sometime please?
Glad they all got a good hand from all fans regardless of if they saw them play. Colace got one of the best hands. I wish our current squad could have been inspired from being watched by legends like these two.
I’m surprised that David Speedie turned up. As I recall he got a lot of stick from the Brewery Stand moaners during his brief stay. Darlington reaped the benefit when they sold him for about £150000 after going there on a free transfer.
Idiot conway should have been waiting at bottom of tunnel. Begging McCarthy and evans to sign up.. when you think about it the club from head coach upwards is dead
Imagine, a combined age of 133. We certainly wouldn't be lacking in experience, though I wouldn't trust the two fellas in implementing the modern day gegenpress.
I'm glad you enjoyed seeing some old faces once again. It was a pleasure to have them all with us. Great people, each of them. And we do plan to have former players here a lot more often from next season. Whether that's in the hospitality section, the FanZone, or guests on the pitch pre-match or at half time. I'm huge on the history of our club and will always try and make sure that's reflected in the work we do. With the Hall of Fame, the Alumni and now the renaming of stands, I feel like we've made some progress on that front in recent years. But there's so much more to do at this club and hopefully in time we can improve across the board. Proud of the staff here who work tirelessly behind-the-scenes. Enjoy your Sunday.
As I remember it, there was no doubting his ability as he broke through into the 1st team and manager Allan Clarke got shut because of a ‘falling- out’ and Darlington paid 5k for him. Think Chelsea paid bout 70k for him.
This is great to hear Whitey, can I just say I think it may be better done at half time when there are more people in the ground.
Totally, it would be so garbage to have 2 senior coaches that know the leagues, have vast experience and actually give a fk about the club… bring on more unknowns, next stop the manager of Brondby’s U9’s.
Exactly and I can’t think of anything better to galvanise the club and fans. It’ll never happen though
A very big tipping of the hat to all concerned that made all this possible. I was very fortunate to be a guest in the Legends Suite and to see and be in the same room as the alumni was nothing short of a honour. Just gutted that I didn't have the guts to get any photos with them.
I thought it was brilliant seeing the old faces out there and it sparked some great reminiscing. The way they were announced though in relation to them receiving their rightful applause was amateur hour and embarrassing
Would like to see Warnock get a gig tbh . Although he wasn’t a legend as such whilst a reds player , he’s certainly a legend in the game as a manager . I always liked him as a player for us and imo was one of the exciting ones at the time .
I'm sure at some point he will. I believe the club want to make this a semi regular thing where ex players are in attendance at Oakwell for their number.