I remember Barnsley council giving away composting bins and if you needed advice how to use the thing you had to contact the “composting officer” on the council.
Of course it is, I was being kind in calling it a water treatment plant. It's a poo plant, but the agency who sent me there dressd it up somewhat
Somebody once asked my mate if he had ever fancied a career as a gynaecologist , he told them he was still looking into it.
The weirdest thing I've ever had to do at work was take out a court injunction to stop DJ Jazzy Jeff from performing a DJ set in a shipping container, despite having tickets myself and really wanting to go.
I knew a lad who was a professional diver, I had a picture in my mind of sunken ships or perhaps oil rig work... maybe even treasure hunting for Armada gold. The reality was a bit more mundane... Apparently rivers are diverted to provide cooling water for the power stations, they have different size mesh gates sunk into the water to filter out debris that came downstream, he used to spend his day removing trees, tarpaulins, dead Cows, sheep, pigs and dogs that had fallen in the rivers.