Certainly not designed with the aim of reducing congestion and aiding the motorist that's for sure. I dont understand for example why the underpass has to remain closed for a full hour after the game, stopping traffic from turning right to head down Harborough Hill towards Monk Bretton, when if it's for fan safety reasons, all the fans have filtered through into town within 20 minutes of the end of the game. I have sometimes been stuck so long waiting to crawl up the line to join the slip road to head the other way and turn round at the roundabout that I am still there when they finally remove the cones and I can head under the underpass instead. Is this over reaching health and safety nonsense a permanent thing now? Heading the other way down Ponty Road instead is no better because of the abortion that is the Cundy Cross junction since the removal of the roundabout. Road planners just don't have a clue. There has never in the history of motoring been an intersection that has had traffic flow improved by removing a roundabout and replacing it with 4 way traffic lights.
Looked like an impasse at the bottom of Grove street two cars face on amongst parked cars waiting to pick up, cars up both their arses, just wondered how it played out 2 from traffic management firm stood on looking. Agree on the slip roads being shut off forcing you down side of Alhambra which has traffic lights at the bottom and a nice box junction ripe for fines, so queuing goes back up to the roundabart.
It's a disgrace and is dangerous. There is no logic at all behind closing the slip roads on the overpass. None at all. It just forces more cars up the side of the Alhambra where, funnily enough, they've forced all the foot traffic too. What a safe idea... There is no logic behind allowing cars to park on both sides of grove Street before games. There is no logic in closing off the entry to grove Street after matches but not using any traffic management on Pontefract road. There is no logic in closing the middle gate of the carpark to pedestrians thus forcing all foot traffic to squeeze between parked cars to exit via the bottom gate. It should be the opposite way round. The middle gate is free from obstructions, it should be the gate that pedestrians use onto a theoretically empty grove Street. There is no logic in enforcing a right turn only out of the top gate on grove Street which SHOULD mean cars go up Belgrave road onto Queens road, ultimately ending up at the slip roads without making sure that's where cars go. All that happens is cars turn right before immediately turning left on Grasmere road and left again back onto grove Street as a way to get round the restrictions. There is no logic in not applying an kind of consistency to how cars leave the carpark. One week it's row by row, the next it's a few from each row. There is no logic in closing beevor court under the pretence of an emergency response area when it is completely the wrong side of the stadium and the closures actually mean that access to beevor court is gridlocked anyway. There is no logic spending money enforcing restrictions on roads that lead to roads directly outside the ground completely restrictionless. In short there is no logic to any of the restrictions. They almost exclusively make traffic worse without any benefit. And the closures that actually force pedestrians and cars into the same place are dangerous
i think its fantastic and well up to the councils usual level of (in) competence................ the bridge, cundy cross, pennypie park
I would add to that the lack of lighting in the Ponte car park. Some lights don't work and those that do are pretty dim.
If we’re playing well and winning it doesn’t really matter. As we’re not, it just emphasises what a terrible match day experience going to Oakwell is these days. I still think most of you lot are pretty lucky though. Some of us are then faced with a long drive. 200 mile round trip in my case and I know many others come from further. Not being arsey but we deserve better.
The problem lies with SYP. I know that in the past the club has requested the temporary closure of Pontefract road and Oakwell lane after the final whistle. SYP declined. The club can only manage traffic within the curtilage of Oakwell. Temporary road closures are in place at various other football grounds.
I'd say it's a joke - but it's not funny. Took until 17.40 to get to Alhambra roundabout. No 'management skill' at all.