To their mates. Probably going be bought by a multi- national media group that somewhere down the line will have donated to Tory coffers and/or will have a Tory MP on its lobbying payroll. Also, strengthening the Tory control on news outlets. Why sell otherwise, although public owned it doesn’t cost the tax payer a penny as it’s self- funded. This Thatcher’s govt created it mantra is just being used as a smokescreen to try and hide the bias.
It's an absolute disgrace. The consultation they carried out found not a single voice in favour of privatising it. It will achieve the exact polar opposite of everything she claims it will bring. She's such a dumb, ill-informed ¢uπt. Those fu¢kers are laughing at us, plain & simple.
Yep, and they keep spouting on about state controlled media in Russia and other Oligarchies. Admittedly ours is nowhere near that (yet) but the principles on what the Tories are doing are on similar lines.
One thing absolutely 100% nailed on guaranteed, is that Tory donors will be profiting. And that’s without having any knowledge whatsoever on the deal. That’s the only thing I’m sure of.
This was inevitable. The consultation period was going through the motions, but the intent has always been clear from this version of an alleged tory govt. It's another piece on the block of controlling as much information as they can to make it more difficult to be exited from office by the electorate. The BBC is being attacked and bullied into acquiescence. Key positions have been given to tories and donors, particularly around BBC news. The most vociferous voices in those networks have been moved on. Channel 4 is the most left leaning of the news outlets. It was critical of the government ahead of 2019 GE and at the time, numerous soundbites emerged threatening them of actions once the GE was won. You then look at govt appointments and they are all very right leaning. Chairs are being refused but bullied through by the govt. Paul Dacre failed, but Michael Grade succeeded to be the Chair of Ofcom. Similarly the Charities Commission and on and on it goes. We then have the gerrymandering of electoral boundaries due to come in over the next few years that give an even greater bias to the conservative vote. And not forgetting the forced change of Mayoral elections to first past the post instead of Supplementary Vote. Again, because it favours the tories slightly and they didn't like losing mayoralties across the country. And let's not forget the changes to voting itself and the introduction of ID at the polling station. The expected outcome being to reduce minority groups.. who have a tendency to not vote conservative. Then we can add the changes to laws at home. Removing the right of protest. Increasing the abilities of the police to arrest pretty much anyone they want with little warning or reason. The attack on the judiciary and the attempt to make the government actually above the law so it can break its own rules and legislations, be found guilty, and ignore the ruling and carry on regardless. And there is much much more. We must also remember this government criticises countries who suppress their populace and their expression. Critical of Russias propaganda, yet who bully the media to speak its will, and those who won't be cowed, they sell or regulate against. Let's not have our gaze distracted by the evil of Russia, while ignoring the blatant actions of a government intent on securing a one party system and dictatorship.
Of all the MP's in parliament Nadine Dorris The Secretary of state for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport must be the most stupid, she said that Channel 4 was state-owned while being questioned at a select committee about Channel 4, and was corrected by Damian Green another Tory MP that it was funned by advertising, etc. it made her look like the Tophat she is. We as a country must be the laughing stock of the world when people like her, Truss, Rees-Mogg, Rabb, Patel, and others come out and just lie through their back teeth. They would sell their own mothers to the highest bidders.
It’s scary to think, all of our private media is now essentially state run and censored - because private corporations and dirty money are the state now.
All we need now is for the tories to do something like lift the ban on fracking and ......oops, they've gone and done it already, I didn't type fast enough
It’s about time some clever journalists took a look at Tory donorship and what it produces in return on investment. How much do they donate and how they benefit. Also any Russian involvement in brexit. This is the most corrupt government we have ever had.
What it highlights is the problem a democracy has that is based on honesty and integrity, in particular when a government has a big majority. There have already been dozens of reasons to get rid of the current PM by the tories. Corruption, fraud, I suspect literally hundreds of breaches of the ministerial code and actions persistently being contrary to the Nolan principles. But they ignore those issues. The PM is surrounded by sycophants who seek power first over all else. Their actions are in complete alignment to do that. That DePfeffel hasn't sacked the dozens of incompetents, cheats and fraudsters engenders loyalty... partly because they aren't fit for office and would... well, should, never get a job in anyone elses cabinet. And behind the scenes, there are clearly co-conspirators aiding and abetting dePfeffel (and his ilk) to keep power and paint a picture that frankly is based on pure lies. But they benefit by being honoured and given jobs in quangos and on boards to control or block anything that impinges the tory parties ability to hold power. So we have a party who will not do the right thing, an opposition that is powerless to change things and we have another 2 years or so until the next GE. On the face of it, nothing is going to change any time soon. However. The tories love nothing better than scheming and dreaming of their rise up the pole of power. When change comes, it's often swift and brutal. Just to see the amount of briefing against Sunak suggests there is a considerable offensive underway to unseat DePfeffel, just that the movers and shakers don't think the timing is right. Should he get a fixed penalty (or multiple) for his breaches of covid laws, I suspect things will change swiftly and his allies will vanish. Especially if that coincides with significant shifts at the May local elections. It's often darkest before the dawn. We just don't know how dark it's going to get first.
The word Tory originates from the Irish language. The Irish word toruighe is suggested as the origin for the term Tory, with toruighe being used in the 16th century to describe "an outlaw papist" or a "robber that is noted for outrages and cruelty". About right.
Better than the Ch4 remarks is the fact she stated that all her staff know the login details to her computer (a sackable offence for them) and that’s ‘what everyone does’. And then we sent her to a meeting in the States, representing the U.K. govt at an … (checks notes) IT security meeting.
It’s done. And those who care know exactly what’s been happening. But the complicit media and Tory voters simply don’t care.
Indeed. Carole Cadwalladr went chapter and verse into the scandal that was the Brexit referendum and the influence of external parties. So much so that Aaron Banks has made it his sole purpose to sue her senseless for alleging he had any involvement in it or where the alleged flow of money came from and went to that allegedly may have gone though some of his entities.