Not much choice to be fair with £6m income loss and a £4.5m debt. Yes, the owners are to blame without doubt but can’t see anyone being surprised that a fire sale is coming.
If they really want to increase season ticket sales, all the owners have to do is announce their intent to move on.
This entire mess we are in is all of the owners doing. It has absolutely zero to do with the fans who backed that club in more or less record numbers this season
The actual moving on anyway. Intent = what they say and what they do probably being two different things.
I agree, but a public statement that they are looking to move on would be a start. If they didn't move on, they could only play that card once.
Reading the announcement again I'm beginning to think there won't be an early bird price. That's probably why there's been a delay in them coming out. Could be yet another own goal.
Agree entirely. But was just making the point of the vicious circle we find ourselves in. More fans = More income = Less need to sell.
I'd hoped/thought they might have done that but the article gives the sense that the £13.70, ie the 2021/22 non-renewal/new ST price, is the lowest adult Ponte that is on offer. As you say more to come but on the face of it so far, disingenuous to claim a price freeze when you're seemingly intending to charge the bulk and most loyal of your existing adult ST holders £50 (15-20%) more than we paid last year.
D'oh! Corrected it now. You can draw your own conclusions about any viscous circles that might be BFC related...
Yep I also understand that viewpoint. It's one I can't get on board with right now. I'm more in the camp which absolves fans of this horror show as we have consistently blindly followed the club for years. The healthy bank balance has been literally wasted, and we stare oblivion in the face, whilst the same owners won't even pay out of their own pocket for the club. If they had any sense of embarrassment for what they have churned out, I think they should show that by covering the losses and mess they have made (not us) rather than swanning off to buy their next project. But it won't happen. So when the fire sale starts, they can well shove it up their backsides if they then trot out the emotional blackmail (which is what it is) by saying we fans have not bought enough season tickets. Their mess, they should clean it up rather than expecting us to.
I was under the impression that the £50 we got knocked off last year was a one off as a thank you for buying during the season some matches were behind closed doors, not that it would be going forward indefinitely. The frozen price is the standard early bird price over the years previous to that… I think.
I think some of that could be true but looking at my bank statements I've paid £249 and £280 for the last two seasons and they are expecting me to pay £330 for 2022/23 by extension of what they are saying in the article. However they explain/justify it, that's an 18% increase in what they are asking me to pay year on year for next season. I therefore think it is not unfair to say that they seem to be disingenuous with their claims about price freezes, and more importantly, their claims about responding to the pressures on fans from general inflation and taxation. Do they need to take £50 more off all loyal adult ST holders? No, not in my view, they should be more concerned with retaining the income base they had. At £280 or thereabouts they had a chance of my business. At £330 there's not a snowball's chance in hell. Others may feel differently and I respect that. They have now also made me feel a total fool for not taking any of the other refunds through the Covid period that I could have and leaving the money in the club.
Perhaps if they hadn’t wasted so much on speculative signings things might be different. Whatever, it’s their fault.
What's the reason LJWBL? Not asking you to justify yourself, just genuinely curious as to what the straw that broke the camels back was.
There’s a law firm in New York that lets it clients decide how much they pay for their work. They give them a guide price but ultimately the client decides. Astoundingly, it works. I would to see something like this at Oakwell and it’s exactly how I would run the club if I was in charge and had a decent financial cushion (which is fairly unlikely) My point is, sometimes you have to think differently and I don’t see a huge amount of evidence that we do.