Absolutely Sheff Weds? Well consider yourself lucky because if you were absolutely Dundee you’d be going down.
What’s the protocol regarding covid on cruise ships now because we’re hoping to go on a Mediterranean cruise in September providing there’s not lot’s of protocol’s in place to stop you having the proper experience especially when stopping off in other ports and sightseeing.
If I can offer a tip to anyone . Don't pay extra for an outside cabin. (one with a porthole) it's not worth it. ( only accept as a free upgrade) You'll not see much, just waves or port on arrival. And you don't spend enough time in the room (sleep and wash) Lots of places on board to chillax. Cant speak for a balcony. Bit pricey. But have known folk to get free upgrades to them also.
There is something strange but true about this. We used to go on canal boat holidays and whilst on the boat was ok, but once back on land for a few days afterwards I was rocking and rolling all over the place. It was like sea sickness but on land !
Generally the depth of the hull below the waterline. Most Cruise Ships that hop around islands in the Med are more U shaped whereas a proper liner is a deep V shape. That helps the ship to balance in adverse seas. On calm seas they're fine but stick your average Princess Ship on the North Atlantic in November and it's overturning given how top heavy it is to maximise cabins. Someone has already said that QM2 was build as a Liner rather than Cruise Ship. I've done Transatlantic crossings on that twice, the first time in a Force 7 storm with the stabilisers deployed to stop excessive listing. Never been as terried and exhilarated at once. It was a marvel of engineering seeing these bloody great waves coming at you and the ship moving but no more than an old tracky bus trying to exit a junction!
I’ll report back after next week! What I would say is I’m absolutely bricking it because we have to get to Italy on Sunday and take tests there and then as you need a negative PCR test max 2 days before you board. Then again the test is sent to you and I don’t think you have to film yourself doing it so….. Also I think you might need to take a test to get off the boat at the ports.
Have a read of this. Quite the story. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-af...oJOarb_eAlHyjhFawa8iNlj5xc0fPtFgzG_ZVwLsOcs2E
Hi, so came back today from our cruise around the Mediterranean. For getting off at the various ports there are no requirements other then having your green covid pass (ie your nhs vaccine certificate) we only got asked once to show it- in a restaurant in Rome. There’s no requirement to use the cruises excursions to get off the boat which I believe was the case earlier in the year. The initial embarkation was a royal pain in the @ss- everyone has to have a rapid flow test done at the port and then wait for the result before getting on, meanwhile I feel like we showed our covid vaccine certificates to about 3 different people - it took around 2 hours to get on the ship - I don’t know what that’s like if it’s normal or not as it’s the first cruise we’ve been on. They’re very keen on masks both on and off the cruise, if that’s a problem for you, I know some people see it as an infringement on their human rights. On the boat they make you book time slots for using the whirlpools, but pretty much everything else is use your judgment if you think it’s a bit risky or not to be in a crowded area. Any other questions? Also it was a bit of a joke that they missed one of the stops - Malta - because the weather was too rough apparently - it looked like 20 mph winds with gusts of 30, I’m not being funny but that’s not rough - if a bazillion ton ship can’t cope with 20/30mph winds at sea it’s a bit pathetic tbh.
Glad you enjoyed it. It's a shame you missed Malta, I've been there when the cruises come in, and they certainly have plenty of things lines up ready and waiting. It is a windy place though.
It's all to do with docking, if it's a big ship then the more wind it will catch, trust me 30mph would make it difficult.
Me and the missus loved our Mediterranean cruise a few years back. It’s one of the best experiences of my life and there were moments that will live with me forever. I couldn’t recommend it enough.
Cheers wakeyred for the feedback much appreciated and sounds like covid protocol’s didn’t spoil your holiday too much.