Great video, quite moving, good old Barry Murphy. Watching how proud he was just makes your heart swell with pride. Great job bfc, one of your better moves keep them coming.
Baz is a real life hero to me. He’s my favourite part of the club, full stop. He comes down on a Monday and Friday morning, just to sit in our little office for a catch up before he goes golfing or visiting Morrisons. As sharp as a tack, great sense of humour and a very humble bloke. Proud to call him my mate. Chuffed that again Khaled trusted his staff with such an idea and that was one of the most pleasurable pieces of work we’ve done in my time at the club and I certainly had a slight tear (of joy) in my eye when he saw his son, who’d journeyed from the south coast as a surprise. As Barry would say - “that was fantastic.”
Just seems like yesterday when I used to watch Spud go down the wing. Always gave everything for the club and he fully deserves the honour of the stand naming and the "Legend" moniker!