Now that it’s looking more certain that we will be in league 1 next season. Who will leave in the close season? Helik? Styles? Anderson? Hopefully Poya The excuse for selling where we can get a fee is to offset the loss of income from the lower league. How many players who couldn’t cut it in the championship will make it in the lower league? Palmer? Benson? Adeboyejo? Moon?
I think if we can somehow keep hold of Woodrow and Morris we will have a great chance of going straight back up as I wouldn't swap them two for any other two at that level.
Let's get a new manager in quick, see if his appointment holds any sway as to who stays / goes. I think if we maintain the status quo, then Helik, Styles, Mads (? maybe) and one of Woodrow or Morris will be sold. I think we should release Palmer. Talented but lacks the stamina and more importantly concentration for Pro football. Benson - am unsure. Maybe a season in a lower league will help him as it did Hourihane and Mowatt. Big fish / small pond scenario. He needs to bloody step up though. Moon has been ruined early in his career. I'd like to think he can recover. He'd have benefitted from a Sollbauer or a system that didn't expose him. Would love to keep Vita, but he is far better than League One. Another poorly utilised commodity this season. I'd invest in Hondermarck. But what do we know - we are just customers. I'd keep Brittain - I could see him scoring one day. How do you solve a problem like big Vic? He's been here some time now ......
Neither of those 4 are good enough for league one ! Benson as gone so far backwards he’s nearly in nappies ! Atrocious attitude on the pitch
Logic should suggest that we offload a lot of players this summer. Purely because of our new found precarious position under this ownership. But logic dictated that in the last 2 windows, and instead of addressing the situation, they kept twisting. Some of the twists are out on loan still costing us money and have plenty of time on their contracts. Though we can't be certain, players who have a relegation clause cutting their salaries may also have a clause to counter balance that risk they are taking on, and potentially include a reduced floor of what they can be sold at. We've certainly plenty of players who would fancy themselves at championship level. Woodrow, Morris, Helik, Andersen, Styles, Collins probably the main ones. And I'd suspect most would expect a pay rise from what they've been paid at Oakwell. I suspect the transfer market is still suppressed though in terms of paid out fees, and give a £7-8m drop in revenue next season, you could argue the greater risk is keeping their salaries on the books. We've debts to service from 2020/21. The losses we've likely amassed this season given the significant wage bill we'd accrued. Granted we've got a few big earners out the door, but we don't know if we've sweetened some of the deals to go. I suspect in Ritzmaier and Sollbauers case we likely have. And then the loss of revenue from 2022/23 onwards. Not only do we need to reduce costs, we also need to generate cash. if we don't sell those players, we're going to be in an awful mess unless the ownership group (or a new ownership) add capital to the club. I think you've also the issue of League one SCMP to be mindful of where your wages are capped (with some caveats), though I think you get some grace period. I suspect next seasons squad will look hugely different to this years. And if we're looking to save money, looking to the youth ranks is likely the way forward. If (and its looking very likely now) we do go down, we also need to address the executive costs. We shouldn't be paying £400k in directors fees for what will essentially be a £7m turnover business.
I believe the following will be here next season: Collins Walton Brittain Kitching Moon Williams Benson Kane Wolfe Hondermarck Woodrow I've not included young lads who have been on the fringes, like Marsh and Ackroyd. Everyone else will be returned to their parent club, sold, or if their contract has ended, be released.
Do you think Hondermarck will sign a deal after the way he's been f cuked about. He's out of contract in the summer?
I guess it depends on how much we can bring in for Helik, Andersen, Styles and Morris as to whether we keep Collins and/or Brittain. Also a question of what happens with any high earners that are unlikely to feature, such as Oulare. If Woodrow has the sort of sell on clause to Fulham that has been suggested on here, it would probably make more sense to keep him.
That's pretty much my list too although I'd add Thomas, Aitchison and Schmidt(?) and perhaps Adeboyejo and am not sure about Collins, I think he'll look to go. Like you I think that Woodrow is more likely to be here than Morris although I actually think he should go for the sake of his career. I admire and appreciate his loyalty but think he needs to be in the Championship rather than L1.
Unfortunately a mass exodus is on the cards' all the loan signings will return to their clubs and i believe Collins' Brittain' Helik' Anderson'Styles and Morris will leave' not to stay in the championship particularly but to get out of a club thats rotten from top to bottom and make a fresh start' the players will know first hand how badly the club is being run atm and will be gone in a flash given the chance and who could blame em..
I think he probably should have featured more, but I wouldn't say he's been ****** about personally. I suppose it's all dependant on who the head coach is too. I hope he signs a new deal, I think a season in league 1 will do him good.
Can see them both being off in January after they've bagged a hatful of goals in League 1 and Conway and Co decide to cash in!
Cauley would only have 6 months left on his contract at that stage. We'd very much be in the same situation as Mowatt and I'd expect him to run his contract down. I can't see either of them being with us next season if we're in League 1. They've proven they are better than that level and I suspect Cauley is our biggest earner too, so keeping him, as much as I'd love that, would eat into our budget significantly.
Yeah, based on form and his injury, I can see Woodrow being here next season, but probably leave on a free next year. Again, I struggle to see much interest in Brittain personally. Collins is an odd one, as keepers don't tend to move around as often. Unless he gets the chance to play at a big club who offer him the chance to fight for the number 1, I see him here next season. Oulare's the big question mark. I have a feeling we'll cut our losses and let him leave. For whatever reason, its just not worked out. I see him rocking up at one of our sister clubs.
I'm hoping someone had a word in Big Micks ear on Saturday either as manager or a director of football role which is something we have been crying out for since we started this debacle of a head coach role
I'd forgotten Aitchison. He'd be one I'd look at keeping too. Personally I can see Schmidt and Thomas being moved on. Schmidt has a year left on his deal I think, so they might look to try and recoup some of the cash we spent on him. I'm not sure whether Thomas has 2 years left or not, but again he's another who I just don't think the club really fancies. He's seemingly had an unproductive year at Bristol Rovers too, so it might be best for everyone if he's free to find another club.