Sounds like he's 'left' Southampton, to concentrate on his right-wing conspiracy theory b0llocks
you can imagine the conversation... "Matt, you're a Saints legend n that, but if you're gonna carry on with this $hite, you need to clear your desk..."
Bet you a tenner he starts an Alex Jones-esque podcast and rapidly descends into a never-ending conspiracy spiral.
Saw an ace tweet about him today from a Southampton fan. “I understand how Smiths fans feel now but they’ve still got Johnny Marr. All i am left with is Francis Benali”.
Lockdowns were good for public health and great value for taxpayers money - I can't abide ridiculous conspiracy theories.
I’m not entirely comfortable with Adam Hammill’s previous. It’s the sort of thing I think a lot of Barnsley supporters overlook while decrying (quite rightly) people like Ched Evans.
By saying the media are not giving the same attention to wars going on in the middle east like he said in so many words yesterday i wouldnt call that right wing conspiracy theories
It's been sad to watch him go off the rails like this. He's live on stage on a tour called 'Join The Dots', which I can only assume is a continuation of him denying Russian War Crime.
Spot on. Loved Le Tissier the player and his loyalty to Southampton but he needs to come off Twitter!
no one is stopping him from having an opinion. he has the right to believe what he wants. people also have the right to respond to that though. for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
Exactly. 'Cancel Culture' is ********. It's freedom of speech. He has the freedom of speech to deny Russian war crime and debate whether or not it's reached the level of genocide yet, and others have the recursive freedom of speech to (rightly) criticise what he's said. The only time you're actively cancelled is if what you say is actual hate speech, rather than when the majority disagree with you. It's a concept that boils my piss.