On the week your tax goes up and your bill go through your (hopefully insulated) roof, it's nice to see uplifting stories like this come out
He's looking a long way off being PM at the moment. Priti is one of the only names hated more than him amongst Tories.
Genuinely I’m absolutely flipping furious. This bunch pretend to love the country, pretend to be ‘conservative’. I know many of us hate to confront this, but can you imagine Thatcher’s chancellor’s wife dodging tax? Can you imagine Cameron hiring Dorries? They’re wilfully corrupt, inept by nature, they’re not nationalists or patriots. They hate everything that’s good about this country, they respect only money and power.
The ridiculous point here is that the PM and Chancellor’s office are now briefing the press against each other. Rishi’s popularity falling isn’t an accident, he’s being targeted by no10. this lot make the Blair Brown years look like an episode of friends
Unpopular opinion, but being non-domiciled doesn’t mean you’re avoiding tax and the author of this article clearly doesn’t understand international taxation. It just means you’re not taxed on foreign income in the UK unless it’s remitted to (brought into) the UK. It is still taxed in the country in which it arises. This has been the case for years and years and many other countries have similar rules. Otherwise the same income could be taxed in multiple jurisdictions. Imagine I owned a successful company in the UK and paid tax in the UK on the dividends I paid myself. I then move to France to set up a separate venture with the intention of returning to the UK in a few years. I wouldn’t expect the French tax authorities to tax the dividends from my UK company paid into my UK bank account which are already taxed in the UK and which I will spend in the UK when I return. I would only expect them to tax any income I earn in France. That is fair to both myself and the UK and French tax authorities. However, because tax is complex and the public are generally ignorant, there’s the opportunity to spin it as tax avoidance and people lap it up.
I’m ******* glad they are making his popularity decline, he’s always been a self serving ******. I don’t care if Bojo the lovely person wants him out, to be honest, so do I.
I think most people would agree with the principle that you should be taxed where you live. In your example while you might be paying UK tax as a French person I'd expect you personally to be contributing on anything you make, with your business being taxed where it operates. Appreciate this isn't the case, but I would suspect most people think it should be.
Difficult to take any popularity poll seriously when Jacob Rees-Hitler is pushing for a play-off place.
Whilst you’re correct that Non-Dom status isn’t of itself proof of tax avoidance. You aren’t so naive to believe that the super rich (and indeed large multi nationals) don’t simply arrange ‘where’ they earn their money in order to lessen their own tax burden. And pretending that’s not what the story is, is simply disingenuous. let’s be honest here, our chancellor is a multi millionaire who could be working in the private sector or simply spend his life travelling between his many homes doing nothing. But instead of that fairly benign millionaire existence, he has chosen to take a relatively low paid job in order to ensure poor people become increasingly poor whilst his rich mates get richer. At least Dorries and Raab etc are simply stupid, Patel is only racist, but Rishi is a whole other level of psychopath.
I know it’s years away, but I wouldn’t have a clue who to vote next election. The whole country is in a mess politically.
It’s tough isn’t it? On the one hand there’s a bunch of crooks, who believe that they’re above the law. Their whole existence is based on the lie that they love the country, they surround themselves with flags whilst they lied to the queen and work to destroy all the things that are great about the country. On the other hand, there’s a group of people with very good intentions, who understand what the people really want (public owned railways and utilities, fair laws, progressive taxes and a functioning NHS). But the idiots can’t decide exactly how to tackle gender ideology or control the infighting within their party, so - who could vote for that?
You seem to think you can change your domiciliary status on a whim in order to reduce your tax burden, which is just not possible. You might be able to change it once in your life but the bar for doing so is very high and based on long term personal circumstances and not something you can “arrange”.
Weird eh. It must be a coincidence that so many billionaires who were born in the U.K. and are Tory supporters just happen to have accidentally found themselves registered for tax elsewhere. What are the chances?
She lives in the U.K. she owns businesses registered in the U.K. she will be using Tax loopholes to avoid paying tax, there’s absolutely no question of that. Maybe they are legal but it’s not a good look for the chancellor. Having said that, even after the Panama papers came out nothing happened, so this will be tomorrows chip paper.
Are you telling me she’s not a U.K. citizen? (She’s not btw - but that’s not relevant) Are you telling me it’s not true that she’s a non-Dom as far as tax status is concerned? simple yes or no will do edit to add… Is it true she still holds millions in shares with business trading in Russia? And it’s true that her husband currently is responsible for tax receipts in the U.K. And that it’s further true that her husband is part of the decision making process that decides which companies trading in Russia will be subject to sanctions