Has a 'Russian State-Affiliated media' label on his account on twitter. Fair to say he's not particularly happy about it. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke...
Even if I don’t like someone I always try my best to try and see things from their point of view but im struggling with this one. The guy literally has a show on Russian state sponsored TV. It was even in his Twitter bio before people pointed it out and he deleted it. Don’t see how he has a case here
Mildly amusing, but with sinister undertones. George Galloway is a moron and does indeed have a show on RT, but does Twitter now decide to label anyone with anything they see fit? I'm all for labelling posts/people with something that says "independent fact checkers do not believe this post is genuine" but is this a step too far? If it said "has links to Vladimir Putin" on it would that be fair?
He is a clown. Always has been and always will be. I knew him as a kid. Grew up alongside him in Lochee. Always an odd ball. Never changed.
If he has a show on a Russian state owned media network, how can he claim he isn’t affiliated to Russian state media?
If they have links to Putin, yeah that would be fair. If the label is accurate then I don't see the issue.
Ok so say I cut Putin's grass. Or my estranged sister is married to his brother. Or I once attended a party in his honour. Does that make me a friend of Putin or to be labelled as such? Does it mean I am in someway affiliated with his regime? I say it shouldn't, but I absolutely detest George Galloway so don't want to be accused of defending this label in his particular case.
I wouldn't say they are links to Putin. But Galloway is/was employed by Russian state media, so that label is accurate.
Twitter- we can’t be responsible for what people post, we don’t make editorial decisions about content. also Twitter- these people need a special symbol based on what we think about their content.
It's hard to take someone seriously who gets on all fours on national TV to pretend to be a cat. To this day one of the weirdest ever TV moments on any show, including the one where Keith Chegwin got his willy out on.