Excellent news , although I see it is already attracting sarcastic comments but any good news is welcome & this is good news , onwards & upwards Matty
Was this information really given out pretty much at the end of the meeting? PR 101. Give the customers some good news at the end and hope they forget everything else. I can imagine the conversation now... Wolfe's signed a new deal, should we put it on the website now? Nah, save it for the end of the fans meeting, it's cheaper than buying everyone a beer.
But it's been saved till an hour and 45 minutes in to a q&a rather than put on the website like all other contract renewals are. That's a calculated move is that
You’ll feel a fool when they actually close the meeting by announcing a 5 year extension each for Asbaghi and Oulare
Flipping heck the two hours were suppose to be over at nine. Anyone would think there was a lot of questions to ask
Does everything need to be a conspiracy? There's enough of that with the various mainstream media outlets we have
I'm going to assume here. I reckon it's either the analytics of Wolfe isn't all that on the 'spreadsheet', just looks good to the eye. So we daren't give him a 4/5 year in case he isn't worth it. Or The player's agent (assuming he has one?) thinks he has the potential to move up and kick on now. So given has a good run next year, it'll be a cheap enough deal to anyone who wants to purchase. And then there's me just mentioning conspiracy theories to Supertyke