As the day goes on, it gets worse. Incredibly... it gets worse (I just had to say that aloud to myself because of how incredible that notion is!). The day started with the inference that it would "just" be single men who faced this form of "processing" (and listen to that language... "processing".... it's not much of a hop, skip and a jump to something very ugly and sinister). But of course, as with all of this govt's words, when scrutiny is applied to the printed version, it says nothing of the sort. All people are able to be "processed" in a 3rd party country. Including women and young children. And of course, just to make sure these poor persecuted desperate people are ok and feel safe and nurtured... we're going to have military frigates in the channel and overhead drones. I mean, get some big beaming spotlights and a bit of barbed wire on the beaches and that will just be a picture book treat for them, will it not? What's more, paperwork has to be absolutely spot on. Though not finalised, every possible question imaginable is going to be condensed into one document and requires accurate proof of identity and so on. Any failure to complete it, and likely anything omitted, means deportation to Rwanda. A place with human rights violations, one of the poorest countries in the world, and that is highly unlikely to have people able to speak the language of the migrants. And although our liar in chief says this is perfectly legal, just about every Human Rights entity has condemned it and questioned that it breaches the Geneva Convention. When you next come to vote, just think to what lengths this Prime Minister will go to in order to protect himself and stay in office. He could have come out and truly apologised for breaking the law. He could have offered his resignation. He could have called a free vote of no confidence. But instead, he chose to cynically announce a vile inhuman policy to deport asylum seekers 4,000 miles away while they are processed... and here's the kicker.... not with the intent to bring them back to the UK, oh no. But instead, to have them permanently situated in Rwanda. All to try and deflect to save his own skin.
Also my understanding is that we won't be paying Rwanda's costs incurred in this exercise but rather that we have agreed a flat fee "contribution to the economic growth" of Rwanda. So there's absolutely no incentive for the Rwandan government to treat them humanely as they get the cash regardless and will want to minimise their costs. So we're paying a government with a history of human rights abuses to take asylum seekers off our hands without any oversight or care as to what happens next. This is going to be a humanitarian disaster.
The shame of Brexit. The enablement of a culture that comes up with an answer to asylum seekers that threatens them with something monstrous as a deterrent. The lack of morals of Johnson, his cronies and those who keep them in power by voting for them is breathtaking.
It's telling that we do pretty much the same with some of our rubbish, including recycling that we can't be bothered to actually recycle. Gets bunged on a boat to South East Asia, we pay certain countries for the privilege of taking it and then, despite them literally drowning in rubbish themselves, they dump a bit more in the ground.
Better still, open a centre in Calais where a potential "asylum seeker" can rock up, register and be put on a bus to the UK where they are processed in a timely manner by an efficient, helpful and fully functional Home Office. They shouldn't even need to get their feet wet and the "human traffickers" are instantly out of a job. It could cost a fraction of the money we are spending and Mr Farage can stop wanking himself stupid on the cliffs of Dover looking for little boats.
It's oft forgotten that the "incredibly expensive" EU membership was a net contribution of just under £9bn a year. Or as we can now consider it, 5 world leading anti human asylum seeking deportation processes.
there are more and more reasons why I'm literally ashamed to say I'm British. the quicker I can escape this c*ntry the better
I don't understand this: How does not preventing people smugglers sticking immigrants in boats in the first place break people smugglers business models? The traffickers will still be sending immigrants over in boats won't they? Surely to break that practice the government would need to provide that service for free so that immigrants choose a safe, legal route rather than the hell that traffickers offer... Or is that just me?
Does he think people smugglers operate on some sort of "no win no fee" basis? Stick them on the boat for free with a gentleman's agreement that once they've obtained asylum they'll post a cheque?
Apparently Boris has 3 more fines coming his way, how they gonna top this barbaric scheme to quell the furore as each one of those is announced. He's peaked too soon.
He'll ruffle up his **** hairdoo, say something semi racist & will carry on. Better watch out for the schoolies.
Apart from all the obvious disgusting things with this have we forgotten about climate change being a big problem? And that using more oil and gas than is necessary is funding Putin's genocide of Ukraine? With that in mind it's worth noting that every individual repatriation flight to Rwanda uses more fuel than all 20 formula one cars at all 22 races in an entire year, including all practice sessions, qualifying sessions and races. That's each individual flight Oh and it's worth remembering that Boris Johnson has committed more crimes in the UK than any of these people he is desperate to deport