And there is still a law preventing any large shop from opening tomorrow because it is the anniversary of the magic man rising from the dead. Science has proven the big bang and how the universe was created over and over again yet we still have a law dictated by a fairy story. And no I wasn't intending on going shopping, I just think it's pretty ludicrous when you think about it.
The closures of stores to allow families to spend time together? Not at all. The religious reason behind it? Definitely
As a Christian nation historically it isn't really that astonishing is it? Other countries celebrate their religious festivals and close stores because of it. Take Şeker Bayramı, the Muslim festival, everything closes apart from the mosques. In 2022. Be careful not to scoff at Islam however, as you know how that can end up. Just look at the cartoons in France.
This is how I try to see it, the religion behind it is just silly. But it's nice a lot of people get the day off to be at home with Family. Same with Christmas, I could go on all day about all the things i hate about religion. However giving presents to each other and having time at home is nice. So I just embrace that part of it. Yes the reasoning for closing the shops for a day is nonsensical but we can live without them for one day I'm sure.
There's bigger problems in religion to worry about rather than a day for families to spend time together!
There are enough days to shop. Very few people work 6 days, 24hours a day, there's enough opportunity to go shopping. If it was down to me I'd still be pre 1994 and make them shut every Sunday.
All the debate over Easter is the result of some unfortunate bad timing for the holy one. He was crucified on a Friday, if the crucifixion had been scheduled for the following Monday, the hardware shops would have all been closed ,,,,, no nails, no crucifixion, millions of future lives lost in the name of Christianity, saved.
You can no more banish peoples beliefs in a higher power then you can stop the tide coming in. From the French Revolution to the Russian and the Spanish civil war people have tried their hardest to extinguish beliefs in God through “reason”, and when that doesn’t work violence. It always comes back.
Maybe you should go have a word with isis let them know about the big bang? Tell the protestants and Catholics in belfast and all the others around the world at war over religion.
I hated sundays back int the 60s and 70s, no shops open, war film on the telly and nowt else to do except kick a football about if the weather was ok. I remember having to go to the back door of the local hardware shop if I needed something for my bike, the old chap was happy to serve you on his day of rest....