I don't believe anybody is stopping anyone else believing in fairy tales. Merely mocking people for making those fairy tales a pillar of their existence.
People are free to believe whatever they like. But when those beliefs impact on others then it's not just a case of "live and let live" Millions of Women are oppressed around the world by religion. It wasn't too long ago we had a pope telling the people of Africa not to use condoms. I don't think "keeping one's trap shut" is going to help raise awareness of these issues.
Even this protocol/ law is being abused and got round by the companies. These shops may be shut and not allowed to open for business but staff are still having to work behind the closed doors doing stock taking ,getting the shops ready for the next day etc. this includes Easter and Christmas day.
I don't think the OP was intolerant at all. It's a fair observation that it's a bit daft in a modern society where there's meant to be separation of church and state that businesses aren't allowed to open on certain days due to Christian beliefs. There's far more intolerance perpetrated in the name of Christianity than there is in this thread.
To be fair, some religious people go on about it all the time and don’t let others not believe what they don’t want to believe. I get a letter from a Jehovah’s Witness group through the door at least once a month and they knock on the door and try and talk to me about it too, in town there’s someone with a microphone going on about Jesus, there’s religious messages (not Samaritans type ones either) left on benches in a park where we dog walk. I’m perfectly happy for anyone to be any religion they want (although I will never, ever understand it), shouldn’t that go both ways though?
what if the thing that people believe in, is responsible for persecution, oppression and millions of deaths over millennia? do you think people should still keep their traps shut then? keeping your trap shut does seem to be a bit of a mantra though, I'll give you that. the Catholic Church prove very efficient at it, for example.
Do you remember years ago when supermarkets used to hang drapes over the alcohol counters at 3pm on Good Friday?
If someone feels the need to discuss, question, or challenge another person's beliefs, then fine - crack on with it. I don't see how mocking achieves anything. Strikes me as a bit childish. But each to their own.
Yes it very much has https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formation_and_evolution_of_the_Solar_System?wprov=sfla1
This thread hasn’t been around as long as Christianity though. If this thread goes on to be as long-lived, it will be 2 billion pages long, cause countless wars and the depths of its intolerance will exceed any other religion. It is the BBS after all.
Religious beliefs themselves are childish though. Referring to religion as fairy tales for example is fairly accurate.
Unfortunately those who do believe are unwilling to keep their traps shut either. Welby often uses his "moral authority" for political ends, and so it is the responsibility of those who think his beliefs are a load of nonsense to say so, lest everyone blindly accept he is in the right.
You believe that Christianity is a load of nonsense. That’s perfectly your right A surprisingly high number of people don’t agree with you as is their right More than half the people in the U.K. identify as Christian so I see no reason if the likes of Farage are allowed an opinion on MSM that the head of the largest Christian organisation in the U.K. should be denied a voice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_Kingdom In any case do you think he is wrong to criticise the government on a policy that is almost certainly illegal and definitely falls short of the views of the majority of this country regarding treatment of desperate refugees
To be fair if we were listening to you we would still be locked down from covid hiding under the matress. Its 2022 belive in whatever you want if it makes you happy. Not really for me but i wont knock anyone for it just like i refrained from mocking your covid views.
I'm fine with that. If someone tries to push their beliefs on someone else, then they deserve to be given both barrels. But all too often it feels like people are chomping at the bit to post something derogatory about other people's faith. I'm not religious at all, but I respect other people's right to believe whatever they choose. There are an awful lot of people out there doing good things under the banner of their particular faith. Sadly, the opposite is also true. That's a people problem, not necessarily a religion problem.
From a supernova. A star that was here before our solar system that burnt through its fuel and ended in a huge explosion. If you want to take this to its logical conclusion, we can be confident to a pretty high degree of accuracy about what came before that and what came before that right back to the big bang. And what came before that, or what caused that? At the moment we don't know. We may never know, although if we don't blow ourselves up, that's a pretty pessimistic outlook as the pace at which we've gone from knowing very little to knowing quite a lot is really quite impressive. One of the many theories currently in circulation could prove to be correct or it could be something entirely new (although in all probability an adaptation of one or a combination of what many physicists currently speculate upon.)