I’ve supported the club through good times, bad times and sad times. But in all that time I have NEVER EVER been as frustrated as I am under this cowboy outfit. To say they don’t have a clue doesn’t even cover it . They have assembled one of the spineless clueless teams I have ever seen in a red shirt and I’ve seen some bad ones, but even then seemed to care and at least put the effort in, this lot ( with a couple of exceptions) are beyond the pale
Embarresing The owners, the 2 clowns we hired as managers,conway as ceo, the players and the clowns who defend the owners. Roll on next season another struggle under this regime.
It’s a pity they cannot blow the whistle on the season at 90 mins and put us out of our collective misery
The sad thing for me is that it just doesn't hurt any more. I've listened to it on Radio Sheffield this aft but I hardly feel a thing when we concede. I've had 55 years worth of enthusiastic support drained away. How to ruin a proud football club.
Not one of them players are championship class. Yep they are young and yes may have potential but this club can’t fetch it out of them. Eg Brittain - Can’t cross or take a man on.
Just f””k off and take that 2nd half captain with you. Woodrow could have been more effective sat next to me
Bassi. **** today. Quina. One trick pony and the maturity of a toddler. Palmer. Hide and seek champion 2022. Styles. Got no style. Most overrated footballer in Yorkshire. Kitching. Hit it anywhere. Brittain. Positional sense of a Yorkshire terrier Andersen. The Titanic passes icebergs better than he passes a football. Gomes. Adds nowt to attack or defence. Manages to look ok without bringing any benefits.
It hurts me after 50 years I wish it didn't but what can you do. I hope & pray there is someone out there to rescue us.
Sadly, my old friend, it still hurts me. I wish it didn't. But my enthusiastic support can't put up with the board any longer Fifty four years for me, fifty three as a season ticket holder. I still got one after we were relegated in 1972, 1998, 2002, 2014, 2018 and after going into Administration. But enough is enough, as far as I'm concerned. Then, just to rub salt into the wound, we appoint the two worst Head Coaches (managers) in my time supporting the club. As I said earlier, that's it. Even though the abject, pathetic nature of this season is almost complete, it still hurts like hell.
I owe @SuperTyke a huge apology from earlier in the season. I thought no manager could be worse than Morais (and defended Schopp as such) but, in hindsight, I'd rather have the Portuguese cat-mimicker than the two morons we've had in charge for 21-22. Worst season ever and no more for me - hopefully I'll be back, but it could take a while.
Feel as flat as a pancake, much like our performance. Would love to say the players left 100% on the pitch but unfortunately I can't. Oh well, onto next season!