Now accept that the board and their way of running Barnsley FC is / are wrong in just about every way possible. The whole board the CEO and the Head Coach just **** off now!!!!
They wont be getting another penny off me before i see improvement and the questions answered regarding 750k and the summer window by conman. Id rather them just sell up or **** off.
Which apologists? I genuinely don’t know anyone who is supporting the board or even trying to defend them.
I can't see Lee & Conway going anywhere. No-one is going to offer them a brass farthing's worth of profit to sell and they're not going to take loss, so I reckon we could be in for another season of mismanagement at Board level with them hoping summer transfer sales will make break-even a financial target and sod what goes on on the pitch.
Try the ones who think that no one wants to take over from this bunch of money making at all cost conmen
To be fair many have stopped posting now probably too embarrassed goron owen and the other bloke who posted about Khaled last week name escapes me came across as 80% lovers
But there isn’t anyone who has come forward to take over. There hasn’t been a single bid, or even anyone declaring interest. Nothing whatsoever. If anyone has said that, it doesn’t make them an apologist for the current owners, does it?
Even the people who claimed that a bid was coming, and an alternative ownership model was on the horizon and a formality, are now doing YouTube clips saying ‘You’ve got to hope someone out there wants to buy us’.
And who are the ones that do want to take the club over. ? Genuine question. Also everyone I know would welcome a change of owners. The model needs major adjustments. Rather than monumental cash injections that would put the club in jeopardy.
Any picture of our directors box doing the rounds? It was more full today than it's been all season but I bet most of our owners were missing.
In what way no good news. They tried to arrange a interview with conway who swerved it tells you everything you need to know.