Well given that 2 have given us an absolute master class in crapness this season feels like a good time for the Coveted ‘Worst Manager’ Award. Looking back at our recent history the below look to be stand out candidates. Schopp Poya Spackman Parkin Wilson (mk2) Hill Johnson And one for the oldies Iley out Le Battle Commence
I've had to go Spackman because he had some pedigree so should have done better. Ashbagi and Schopp needed some time to settle into a new country and league. Plus he was horrid to long serving staff.
I've gone for Schopp, but rate Asbaghi just as lowly. For forty nine years, it was John McSeveney by a country mile for me. However, both Schopp & Asbaghi have comfortably outperformed him.
I always thought Spackman would never be beaten for that honour taking a playoff side to relegation in a few months but Schopp managed it in a few weeks an achievement I wouldn’t have believed possible. Poya not much better but I’d have him in the same class as Hodges and Parkin as merely dreadful rather than apocalyptically awful
On balance of things I have gone for Schopp. He managed to take a winning confident team full of talent passion and endeavour into a gibbering wreck. Poya has for the main at least managed to organise the team other than that he is just as bad as Schopp. A grey passionless man who has created a grey passionless team. Prior to that Spackman was a clear winner for me though Johnson was my least favourite given the resources he had we should have walked the league
I always thought Spackman did a worse job than McSeveny given the players he started with but Schopp just Wow
Hard to say really spackman should have done better with what he had. Wilson#2 was some of the most boring stuff ive ever watched how i didn't fall asleep away at donny only the pinging coins going back and forth and the freezing weather kept me awake. Morais a decent manager would have kept us up but he was crazy. Poya and schopp take a bow you have took been **** and boring football to new levels. With all of the above managers ive gone away games now i cant even be arsed to go to a home game with a paid ticket.
Isley shouldn’t be in this poll. Note even close to being that bad mcSeveney however one of the dreadful triumvirate
Ah, but McSeveney had players of the quality of Stewart, Murphy, Booth, Winstanley, Millar, Lea, Sharp & Seal and STILL managed to get us playing the dullest football seen until the 2021/22 season.
Two early favourites in Schopp and Spackman performing well but surely we have others people will champion.
I've gone with Poya. It's possibly Schopp but Poya has had a better squad than the porn star ever had.
I had the misfortune of seeing McSeveney's team and just like JLBL prior to this season I would have opted for him as the worst of all time. Schopp, was isolated and, unlike Poya, didn't have his own staff to work with. Poya arguably also had better players to select once Quina and Bassi were brought in so I've gone for Poya.
The current pillock by a county mile. He’s had a lot longer than Schopp, he’s had more players to work with than Schopp and he’s made us a lot worse. The useless čüñt shouldn’t be allowed to run a bath let alone a football team.
I wasn't around for John Mcseveney, but sounds baaaaad. I saw some BFC related news mentioned him dying a year or so ago. I take it it's the guy mentioned here? It takes some doing for Schopp & Poya to beat some of those names...