30+ Years Season ticket holder year in year out and others in the family doing the same. Preston will be the last time we set foot in oakwell whilst these owners are here. Breaks my heart having to take this stance but it’s the only way you can make these locusts sit up and take notice. The minute they realised they couldn’t get their hands on the land they have let the club rot. Cut their throats by not setting foot in oakwell and not giving them a penny more. BFC is dying whilst this lot do fu*k all they are only here to make money and nothing else away games only in league one is only way to get rid of these asset strippers is do not give them another penny. and for those that swallow the bull sh*t the CEO trotts out don’t be so gullible he is nothing more than a sooty and sweep puppet on the strings of the owners hands. these owners take the heart strings and the money from the working class BFC supporters and pay off their own debts. The mantra from the CEO is all about buying season tickets that’s all they want…….YOUR MONEY dark worrying times ahead for BFC under this ownership the bills they need to pay are unsustainable under their business model the coffers have run dry…….admin looms unless they invest absolutely disgusted in them
Cheers pal Actions not words get rid of these locusts fill the away ends and keep your cash out of oakwell
Not sure how you can do Preston / Blackpool tbh. Players have gone. Effort gone. Owners don’t care. Why should fans turn up? I’m done. Still my club but I can’t support this regime.
N Not sure they could split themselves evenly between their 78 clubs who are all in a relegation battle.
Gave this club a few season tickets in covid to support them financially gave them season tickets yet again this season but feel obliged to go that’s the only reason I am seeing the season out otherwise it’s like going to the dentist without anaesthetic watching how these basta*ds have turned our club into nothing more than a trading platform. They do not give a flying fu*k about the fans the club or the community. They are financial reapers stinking the place out. I’ll take a good look round Oakwell after the Preston game is finished and wish people around me who have sat with for years all the best then never set foot in oakwell again or give these locusts one more penny. It’s heartbreaking to do this….,don’t want to take this stance but have to. Until these owners are gone then I am gone …away games only and not a penny more. hopefully thousands like me who don’t swallow their bull sh*t will do the same. 5000 season ticket holders in a dust bowl of a rotting stadium watching pub football. it’s abhorrent what these locusts are doing to our club it’s fans and the community. We need to get shut quick sharp before admin comes knocking. they are poison from top to toe, the club is dying
To be fair to him the puppeteer of Sooty and Sweep had his hand up their arses. Perhaps that's where its all happening, anally.
Haven't been since November. Keep considering going to see one last game for the foreseeable but I doubt I will.
Totally agree with Op. With the impending court case I can't help wondering if relegation suits them. If they lose will they have to pay six million less for the club than if it was a championship club? Need them gone asap.