That is the most crazy suggestion I’ve ever seen. It’s any prime minister’s wet dream for all the house to be on his side. They could put whatever legislation they liked through, with only the lords there to check them. Having no opposition would be the ideal.
Also can you imagine the comments - the Opposition are so inept they cant even be bothered to turn up etc... Its the dumbest idea Ive seen since the last one Dorres had
It's mad that you can seemingly lie in Parliament with no consequence, but call someone out for lying in Parliament and you get chucked out.
Seems to be a bit of a shambles from the tory whips over the move by Labour calling for an investigation into DePfeffel and whether he knowingly lied to the Commons. It seems there was a private backlash and backbenchers were pushing for the whips to find a solution to labours motion. Numerous things were put forward, but the one they went with was to table an amendment that swept it under the carpet until Sue Grays final report after the met investigations were closed. DePfeffel, while literally being pictured spinning yarn, parroted the instruction from India and he'd ordered a 3 line whip. Typically, a minister who breaks a 3 line whip is suspended or has the whip removed (is kicked out). This morning, after more unrest, the whips and DePfeffel have relented, have withdrawn the amendment and the debate and vote will be a free one.
By withdrawing the amendment it looks like they have done the numbers and there will be enough cretins and that's what they are to let the lier off the hook.
Looking at the speeches so far on the tory benches, there are a fair few who are supportive of the motion of referring dePfeffel for investigation, including Steve Baker surprisingly. It could be pretty close this. And it wouldn't surprise me if right at the death if it looks lost if theres a soft whipping exercise to encourage as many tory votes to abstain as possible to protect them from future campaigning.
The idea is probably to nod it through, then pressure the Tory MPs on the committee when they do their investigation.
BBC news at lunchtime reporting loads of Tory MPs leaving so they didn’t have to vote. Apparently loads of urgent constituency work to attend.
Ultimately, the media run the country, and the media love it (their idea of comedy) so it will stay as is
How is it crazy? It's a bit like a trade union pulling all members out on strike. There is no way that the country could function if no committees could go ahead nor only one party in the commons. Not crazy at all. Next time anyone goes on strike, I'll wait for you laugh at the strikers.