Let's remember for the next forum with the CEO... Khaled c. Feb: "I don't know anything about the £750k. You'd have to put that to the owners." Khaled April: "The owners aren't willing to talk? Well there's no problem there, it's common practice." Personally I don't think there's much coincidence that Conway has gone non responsive after questions over the purchase and £750k in particular have ramped up. My instinct being that there's not a lot he can say that would be satisfactory to the vast majority of fans.
The same Andrew who categorically stated stewarding was not a factor in the closure of the west stand only for Khaled to admit months later that it was.
So doesn't that mean that there IS a lot wrong with what he says? He knows the situation here is different yet uses clubs in different situations to defend con way and co.
Why on earth is it strange to you? Has it not occurred that the club is an absolute shambles? Mostly due to the owners but as the 99% man plus being CEO it's Khaled's job to stand up and be counted. What little he's done so far has been underwhelming to be kind to him or a constant stream of ill judged comments to be more accurate. When he starts to make a positive contribution those of us less easily pleased will probably say so.
I’ve come to the conclusion he’s downloaded his credentials from the tinternet! He simply talks utter crap !
It's often been said our lot are Red Bull Wannabees. They have a lot to put right across their entire portfolio before they even get to the stage RB are good at. Investment. Sometimes obscenely, sometimes lower key, often inviting hatred from rivals. Our ownership group are light years away. We invite laughter, shits and giggles from a wide spectrum of rivals and from the football community in general
This post / comment by our so called CEO does not surprise me at all. The quicker folk realise that he is nothing more than a mouthpiece front man for the PMG group then the easier it is to ignore him and take anything he says with a pinch of salt. He is a puppet on the strings of his paymasters and he has never been a CEO before. They are simply using the classic business deflection tactics, he is the bullet proof deflection vest to take the heat away from the people we the fans should be speaking to so we can get real answers. Forget the monkey it’s the organ grinders above him we need to focus on but unfortunately they continue to play hide and seek with the truth and refuse to face or even engage and speak with the fans, they are disgusting. This CEO of ours is simply taking his wages and gets patted on his head and is told what to say hence when it comes to answering the proper and meaningful ‘real truth needed’ questions that have been put to him time and time again. All he does is give politicians answers and refuses to answer and puts it all back on the people who will never answer us ie: PMG Group. So this classic deflection tactic means you will never get anywhere apart from a rinse and repeat circle of bull sh*t from him and PMG Group and we constantly are lead up the garden path. Wake up reds fans and see what these owners are really here for….profit margins and to use the fans money to pay their debts. We are nothing more than a trading platform so they can bank money milk the club then they will drop us like a stone when the cow has been milked. PMG are poison and everything they touch and own turns into a sh*t show and all the clubs they are involved in are on their arses. The one and only thing that will hurt PMG is to not buy a season ticket or spend a penny at BFC. Away games only. That is the only weapon the fans have against them, they need our money to keep the pyramid scheme going in their favour. The EFL loan needs paying back very soon and the coffers are running dry so if you think it’s bad now wait till just a few short months time that’s when the sh*t show will get proper depressing under this lot. Could it be admin ? Wouldn’t put it past them so they can run off into the horizon and blame covid. GET OUT OF OUR CLUB
Hypothetically speaking, if you were owed money from “a football club”, some of it dating back to July 21… At what point do you get litigious?
I wonder if it has crossed his mind that people want to speak to the organ grinder because the monkey can’t answer our questions?
He made the point in the meeting that it's unusual for owners to meet fans and give answers in modern football. He's right, it is and it was also explained to him the way things have been done in the past at Barnsley. Given the car crash the acting CEO presided over last summer and the **** ups made this season you might expect Conway and Lee to break the radio silence. At least if they gave a single **** about Barnsley football club. Unfortunately, it would seem they don't. They had plenty to say before the playoffs and before a ball was kicked this season. The impact of the lack of season ticket renewals might focus minds, however.
People will vote with their feet. The time for me to renew my season ticket is close at a price I'd be willing to pay for third division football, bearing in mind work issues mean I miss about 30% of home games. Nothing on or off the field gives me any confidence. There is a chance in the summer to review our strategy, but I think we are set for a long ride downhill. Will wait & see. No cash coming from me as things are I'm afraid. If I was the only supporter that has followed the club through thick & thin it would not be an issue to the ownership. I don't see there will be a fall off in Man City season tickets, as their club is being run rather well, despite my reservations as to whether they may be "fit & proper persons". Either a CEO answers questions on behalf of the ownership, or the owners do if he passes the buck. No answers to loads of important questions, the lowest points total ever in my lifetime, a row between the shareholders regarding the ground... yes, all is fine & dandy, nothing to see here.
Neither had Ben Mansford, Gauthier or Dane Murphy. And they didn’t have a car crash of a Summer to pick up the pieces from. This seems to be forgotten when posters critique his past experience
In his first foray in to being a CEO his track record to date, even allowing for the summer debacle, has been pretty disastrous. Defending the indefensible will only lead to further alienation of the supporters.
Morning Loko We are simply a trading platform and success has nothing to do with what’s happening on the pitch the fans in the stands or our community. If this CEO was in the business world having to answer shareholders his performance would have seen him get the sack. If he cannot / will not answer questions then he should go and get the answers from the misters above him who pull the string on his back and pat him on the head, he’s had plenty of time to go and get the answers but instead embarrasses himself time and time again with his head in the sand la la la fingers in his ears it wasn’t me nothing to see here mantra. The owners including the CEO are having me you the fans the fabulous staff at BFC for a set of chimpanzees and will continue to do so. This CEO cannot and will not answer questions from us and neither will PMG .Every club they own are dying and the fans want them out. Why are they here ? What is their aim their goals their plan for us on and off the pitch ? No bugger knows and no bugger from PMG will talk to us the lifeblood of the club. It’s shameful that Lee and Conway play hide and seek after the sh*t show they have created. That’s why they are poison and the CEO is simply the deflection tactic frontman having us all for idiots. The coffers are running dry, it’s unsustainable and the EFL loan needs paying. What then ?