Has anyone told them that we haven't won in green away this season......? We haven't won many in Red or White either mind you....
Well in the league there are 14 clubs that play in blue or white (or variations thereof) so that's 14 times we should have played in red straight off the bat.
We often used to switch to red or black shorts for these sorts of games, to avoid a red and white vs blue and white. Not sure why that hasn't been happening this season
Thing is there are countless examples this season of both teams in a game wearing white shorts. Including Huddersfield v Barnsley in the cup. This green kit nonsense shouldn’t wind me up as half as much as it does but it’s just another thing in a long line of utter b0llox coming out of our club.
Yeah, wearing the away kit for away games shouldn't be annoying, but it is for some reason. Probably because being a Barnsley fan is annoying in general at the moment. I think we've ended up with an unfortunate selection of kits this season. Not a criticism, because certain issues with green kits only became widely publicised long after the decision was made. But we have a red kit, a green kit that clashes with red for the colour blind, and a white kit that clashes with anybody that wears red and white and blue and white as well as just white. Pretty sure I've seen some examples of green against blue being an issue as well, but more darker blue, so would've been more of an issue for the Millwall game than this one.
Cos we're playing in it again tonight... Against a team that wears blue and white... When we should be wearing red. But no, we're wearing gReEn.
We should be playing in the brightest illuminus colour known to man. That way our players might be able to see each other to make an accurate pass Green kit on a green pitch is asking for trouble. Unless we have mastered the hide and seek tactic to surprise Huddersfield on the break