Red hatchback has gone through the wall at bottom of ponty end car park, don't know if it belongs to someone who's gone tonight and not applied handbrake correctly.
The lengths people go to... "Aw, shìt, how did that happen? Sorry lads, you better go without me. I'll have to stay behind and sort the car out."
You can bet the letter requesting the car owners insurance details will be in the post first thing in the Morning
Nah it will be the opposite. The club will pay it and make sure it's shared all over social media in a cynical ploy to make them look like they give a toss
Business card tucked under the rear wiper: Obbi Oulare Brick Laying and Panel Beating Services. No job too small.
two years, three months and nineteen days and counting Will this damage ever be repaired? Who has pocketed the insurance money?