To reclaim the £6/7 million immediate drop in revenue? 4 loan players will return to their respective clubs. Bassi Quina Vita Gomes 2/3 out of contract. Palmer Halme.(Thomas?) So who are we going to sell? Helik? Mads? Woodrow? Morris? Styles? Collins? J Williams?
Not particularly bothered. We'll inevitably lose Morris at some point as he's been the sole shining light this season - I couldn't give a toss about the rest. They've all been varying levels of awful this season. Whoever leaves will be very lucky to find a championship club willing to take a punt after how they've "performed" this season.
Sell season tickets then sell players, then scramble about last minute putting a squad together, then excuse a terrible start to the season by kidding ourselves that it will get better in November when or 17 yr olds have gelled together. Sure I've seen this before somewhere !!!
Would you be really that bothered if we did sell these? I honestly think that I’d only be upset about Morris leaving and maybe Helik.
I think the club might struggle to raise as much money as they'd like through player sales. I suspect the transfer market will still be relatively suppressed post pandemic...
Good job they forced a change of playing style on a winning team to enable all these upcoming sales then isn’t it!
Don't be silly, that's not what he meant at all. It was just his poor English that meant it sounded EXACTLY like that's what he was saying despite the fact he seems to be quite fluent With everything else he says. It's a shame that the English club higher ups who were with him when he said it didn't tell him how it sounded. It's almost as if they didn't think he was wording it badly due to the language barrier
So deals will be done by an assortment of the following, or exclusively by one of them... them being.... Conway, Khaled, Poya. Not of them have the faintest clue. We are royally fecked, just can't see any light and I'm amazed anyone can have even a glimmer of hope.