It really is isn't it and the communication so sub-par. I mean it's only nearly 3 weeks late (credit options should have been ready at launch), contains no details about the payment profiles (eg the failed last three month option was in fact three instalment payments over TWO months, not three), they are still not live anyway (with the same 'in the coming days' wording that was so inaccurate last time) and there's nothing to say if/how they're going to re-dress the balance to provide equality of opportunity in the refund draws for those who need to use credit options. Half a cheer from me for the apology and the half-arsed change of date, two and a half cheers still to go.
At the last meeting to the best of my recollection. It was stated the company that was involved In the 3 payments interest free deal pulled out. (The latest deal is with the same company as the 10 month finance deal). Which caused the delay having to put In place. I totally agree to the point. all should have been in place at the release of the early bird. Which to me would have made sense to start and finish during the month of may. Better late than never. I suppose. And gives those that were waiting to the end of april that bit of room to manoeuvre so to speak.
Oooooo aint Khaled grrrreat, not like it weren`t going to be extended anyway, especially after Devaney announced caretaker manager, folks thinking he will get the job if he does well these 3 games. Kaki Khaled strikes again.suck it up chaps. Khaled out.
I'm not defending Khaled or the owners here. I've made my feelings very clear on all that. however this is another example of the Club being in a lose-lose situation. they were criticised for the delay on financing, and told by fans that they needed to extend the EB. they've done that, and are now being accused by some, of doing it for the wrong reasons. some verging on conspiracy theory. I think for some, there is no good outcome now, other than the CEOs and owner leaving. I think for some, the damage is that irreparable, no action will be enough. even the best, most genuine well intended gesture I think would be greeted with criticism. that's how fkd up things have got. football fans have short memories though. I suspect a lot of this will disappear pretty rapidly, if we get off to a flyer next season.
I'm not critical of the decision to extend the EB window, it's the sensible decision. But I don't think it was wise to launch it in the first place without having all the financing arrangements in place and that's what's caused most of the objections. Another example of forward planning imo and Khaled is responsible for that.
Yeah, you're right. Some people have got no sense of proportion what with the club being run into the floor and all that. There's nothing wrong with extending the early bird offer. It's the right and obvious call but good grief its no indication of everything being hunky dory. The club is toxic at the moment and that is not the fault of the fans
You're right but for many I think it's more a case of them making constant **** ups and not just mistakes that hindsight tells us and them are wrong but absolutely basic schoolkid stuff such as if you've been threatened with legal action for mis-advertising season tickets three years in a row then you damn we'll make sure you check check and triple check your facts before advertising them for the fourth year. You don't promise something 'in the coming days' that isn't signed off and you are 100% certain of. On top of that they didn't only discover that the credit provider had pulled out on the 25th April did they so why have they left it so late to bother to give customers any kind of information? And why have they suddenly popped up with information a few hours after a fan claimed on here that they believe the club to be in breach of their licence and yet again threaten action? If they don't want people to constantly tell them that they couldn't run a piss up in a brewery and that they don't give a toss about fans then there's only one solution. Start giving a toss about fans and pro-actively seek to minimise damage when it occurs rather than sticking two fingers up at fans until they see lots of comments slagging them off for their new **** ups.
Our CEO categorically said he wouldn't over commit and promise what they couldn't deliver like they had in the past. The failure of the finance option was the first hurdle and it's not been cleared!
not defending em. not for a second. what's that about threatening legal action with fans btw? missed that...