Just curious. I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in an important business meeting, and accidentally found themselves watching porn on their mobile phone? Easily done I suppose. One minute discussing critical democratic process and representing your constituency in the House of Commons. Next minute, Pornhub pops up by mistake.
I've been ambushed by dick pics loads of times if that counts? Have you seen his wife's response? Basically that every man watches porn (like him watching porn is the issue, rather than the where and when) and that 'it takes two to tango' as there was a woman (she presumes) who agreed (she presumes) to be filmed.
Maybe one his mates sent him one of the videos that starts normal and then randomly becomes porn 15 seconds in. I've had a fair few of mates send them. Of course my solution is don't open a video at work from them anymore! I agree that it's probably unlikely, but I'm not in the 'impossible' to watch it by mistake camp.
Unlikely to browse to it by accident but entirely possible to have a clip sent to WhatsApp. In any case, it’s a very poor excuse.
Never during a business meeting but a few times I've accidentally opened a video which has been porn and I genuinely had no idea. When that's happened though there's been genuine shock and closing it very quickly and the people around me have known it was a clear accident because of my reaction. I can with 100% certainty say two things. 1. It hasn't happened numerous times in the same setting like the multiple women have claimed to have seen this one mp doing it. And 2. I wouldn't be opening anything like that in a setting where I was working and should be concentrating anyway.
Thing is, he's not even saying it definitely was a mistake (which you would be if it was). 'Asked if it was a mistake, he said: "I will await the findings of the inquiry."'
Blatantly was watching porn, if he'd opened something by mistake he would have panicked and it'd been clear to all it was unintended. Will no doubt get away with it.
It's all Labour's fault. Angela Rayner was wearing trousers that day. With no skirt to look up, what else is a man on the other side of the house supposed to do?
There are 2 incidents, 1 in the chamber during a debate and the 2nd one was in his parliamentary committee meeting. One of the conservative complainants tried to film him doing. Also,unless he was accessing the internet through his data,it would be recorded on the parliament servers. If he did that,surprised a warning and block was put on his account, it would be where I work. He and MPs are shameful, he admitted doing it in interviews yesterday but said lets wait for the inquiry. The Whips knew it was him on Tuesday night but did nothing till yesterday. He gave an interview to GBnews earlier in the week, describing what should happen. Our Parliament and Politics are no different from the 18th century. The fact you can break rules and laws and there is no sanction is outrageous. We have been here before with parliament behaving disgustingly in the last 30 years and still the rules do not protect the public from them. Who,as a woman let alone men wants to sit on committees with him,who as a constituent wants him to handle their case? Don't tell me he hasn't broken any laws,as a Public servant he,and others have fallen short. He fails the normal Safeguarding tests, does not uphold the Equality and Diversity act and breaks what is considered normal practice. Perhaps I expect too much from myself, my colleagues and my politicians, I think not. I hate what this country is and has become. I await the condemnation of those who believe what he and other politicians have done is nothing to get worked up about.
Absolutely typical Tory response. Surprised we haven’t seen some pictures of them out walking the dogs, arm in arm. Consenting adults in the pornography industry = inevitable consequence of MP watching porn in House of Commons
Absolutely fkn par for the Tory course though innit. This follows months of ‘we’ll see what the findings say’ when being asked repeatedly if they attended a party or not.