Are we going to wait until we appoint a manager? Any guesses? My guess it will be comically late. 6 weeks from now.
Season's finished, there's no rush. Players won't be back in training until mid to late June? or something like that
Needs to be sooner rather than later. At least he can bed in and review video footage, formulate a plan on how to get what players he has working (providing the club are already working on a retained list) to recommend what gaps are to be addressed. But then again, that would involve a manager having some input. So, I'll go with the same as Loko. Right at the point of preseason (or already into it) and not having a clue about anything until the season has already started. I have zero faith in our board to get the basics or obvious right
I think there is a bit of a rush as the club is a shambles from top to bottom. A manager coming in and doing a proper job will require at least a couple of weeks of implementing processes, structures and standards outside of first team training.
The sooner the better in an ideal world. But whenever we recruit them, and whenever they, and hopefully a skilled coaching team commence, it's likely to be a messy process restructuring the playing squad. We're likely to have some leave quite late and it may take a while for bids to materialise. And until we've got rid of the majority of our high earners, I really wouldn't welcome signings coming in.
Not before the early bird expires. Good job I suppose as the Azerbaijani u12s coach wouldn’t have inspired many renewals anyway.
I would hope in the next two weeks we have a new man in charge. The sooner the better as there is plenty they can be doing to fill the time when players are away on their jollies.
This is a snippet from the Chronicle on Friday: " Former Barnsley player Devaney has taken over as caretaker and is thought to be under consideration for the permanent job, along with others. The recruitment process has begun this week but is expected to be exhaustive and last beyond the end of the season a week tomorrow, with the aim of an appointment being made before pre-season begins in mid-June. Barnsley’s last six permanent head coaches have been non-British, with none of them having managed in this country before arriving at Oakwell. With post-Brexit rules meaning there are far fewer overseas coaches who fit the criteria to work in England, and the Reds’ budget and appeal reduced significantly following relegation, the pool of foreign options is likely to be shallow. But Barnsley are understood to be considering both overseas and UK-based candidates. " So reading that, could be up to 6 weeks.
Daniel Stendel didn't get appointed until 6th June 2018. It's frustrating, especially when there appears to be no movement in the betting markets, so no clue their either.
I would hope that we are savvy enough this time around to implement a release clause that only comes into effect after the completion of two full seasons of management here. Can't be that hard to negotiate, surely.
Biggest problem we have imo. (Or almost any other club for that matter) Is contracts are up. Normally the end of june. So any outgoings or incomings will be delayed until then. Unless pre contracts can be agreed. When players are released to help em find a new club.(works both ways). So most will not be in training until July. Some may come in earlier to keep their fitness levels up. I fear an exodus (if as most suspect) of players which will leave us playing catch up next season. Totally unready for the start. Rotherham kept the backbone of the side that went down. We could end up with a completely new line up. I agree we need to let a lot go. But we need to hold on to the better players if they are optimistic of better times ahead.( I do fear the worst. In that transfer requests could leave us severely depleted.)
Agree with the main sentiment there, just on your final point... our likely most valuable assets we could get fees for are Collins, Helik, Andersen, Styles, Morris and Woodrow. All of their contracts lapse next summer. Though we do have options for an extra year on all of them bar Helik and Woodrow. However, I suspect the contracted extra year is likely the same wages again, or as we saw with MacDonalds deal, escalates each year of its term (relegation clauses accepting). It depends on what activity occurs and how we are financed, but we could well get to the end of next season below Championship level with players we can't afford to offer an extension to and can all walk for free. Sadly, it's probably in our best interests that all of those players are at pastures new next term.
You're right. I'm not disagreeing with any of the points on this thread at all. However, I doubt that the new Head Coach will have any say in contracts renewals at all. They'll have to work with what is left come pre-season training. Assuming we bother with any pre-season training next time.