Steve Hodge is in the money because it has just sold for 7.1 million pounds!!!! An obscene amount of money for a Football shirt regardless of the history behind it. I wonder who the buyer was.
Back to the old stereotypes Ian? In my experience, Scotsmen and Yorkshiremen are amongst the most generous people you'll meet. You being a prime example I might add....
Gior, Scots are tight. Yorkshiremen are prudent. Stick with stereotypes. . We'd have nowt to laugh about. On a serious note. £7.1 million for a fecking shirt is a disgrace. It's not a luxury item ffs. There is so much wrong in the world and this is a small part. People who have more money than sense. How many mouths would that feed. As for yorkshire folk. I reckon the Wraggs take some beating for their generosity. Your round Ian btw.
Surely Hodge's shirt belonged to the FA. I'm spiteful me, and if I worked at the FA I'd be writing to Hodge & others asking for our property back as we want it for footy museums and charity. Hodge: "But I no longer have it Mr Mac" Me: "Where is it?" Hodge: "I swapped it" Me: "OK, just send back what you swapped it for" Hodge: "Er, I sold it". Me: "But it wasn't yours to sell. Just send on the money instead".
Well, we'll never know for sure I suppose. Bet it's like school, I want my shirt back I gave it away in a moment of excitement!
I do find it a bit 'strange' that the shirt has been hanging in Hodges wardrobe for nearly 40 years and the a few months after Maradona carks it that it's then in an auction. I'd guess Hodge must have had a doubt about the ownership of it but the auctioneer must have been 100% before flogging it.
I wonder how much the shirt Brek Shea wore when he gave rodneys to the away end at Huddersfield would go for.
Just on Talksport and the shirt doubled in price in the last 9 minutes of the auction. There was a consortium bidding consisting of an Argentinian Memorabilia Company, the Argentinian FA and Maradonas family. So it's probably theirs now I'd reckon.
They were on BBC Breakfast talking about it yesterday. It's not an 'official' Argentinian FA shirt - Maradona worried that the cotton shirts they'd been given would be too hot in Mexico, so the kit man ran round Mexico City looking for thin shirts, they got some in the market, really cheap made in Mexico polyester ones. They hand sewed on some badges and ironed on some numbers that were meant for NFL shirts on the back - that's why they are glittery, made for the New York Razzamatazz or such-like.