Cant believe how dreadful they are. Second to everything. Huge gaps down the flanks. It's like watching us.
God I would have loved this game to have finished about 8/9 nil with how many chances theyve had... maybe it still might at this rate!
Hopefully they are as bad next season, I despise the f@£kers. Love how all the ‘fans’ after afew bad seasons thinks it’s the end of the world for them. Fernandes is the most petulant f£@ker in the premier league, Pogba as the heart of a pea, they’ve been carried by a 37 year old. Long May there demise continue, just for all the MUFC ‘fans’ who live in Barnsley
Ronaldo s lost me a tenner too. All he needed was 1 shot on target fgs! Having said that laughing at Manure!!
I don't particularly like Man Utd, but these days they're probably the most likeable Manchester club, as unlikely as that once seemed.
Not a chance!!! If Sky and the press wasn’t so far up Klopp and Liverpool’s arse City wouldn’t get 1/2 the hatred they do
Yes the exact same City that still got gates of 30k in the 2nd division. IMO The city fans deserve all the glory they are getting. And as long as it keeps Uniteds nose out of the running long may the ‘sportswashing’ continue
This is why football is ******. People happy to turn a blind eye to a club having owners who ride roughshod over human rights so long as they win. Manchester City FC is dead. You're supporting an empty, reputation laundering husk propped up by a nasty regime. Football is dying and you're one of the people killing it.
Thanks for that!!! Tell me why do you dislike City? Is it because of the money they spend to buy players?? Rooney, Ferdinand, Veron, Van Nistelrooy United where buying the league more than 20 years ago
Come on, I already told you why and you're turning a blind eye to it even now. It's because of where that money comes from, and the fact a club with history and tradition is reduced to being a front for reputation laundering. If I were a City supporter I'd prefer to be slogging it out in League 1 with Shaun Goater than this iteration.
I presume that you are so principled that you pushbike everywhere rather than being Petroleum propelled?
Ah yeah, that old chestnut - you can't have any principles unless you live off the land farming your own mangelwurzels
Well you are just the same as the rest of us - contributing to the Middle East coffers by using their products, irrespective of climate damage and human rights. So when they accumulate sufficient wealth to spend what you have paid them, it seems somewhat hypocritical to tell them where they must spend it. Or complain about it.