The most reasoned post of the day. Some "fans" lambasting a 19 year old kid making only his second appearance and having to mark karlan grant. When survival seemed possible following the good little run starting at Hull, only 2 players from those teams played yesterday. How does any sane supporter expect players to be plucked from the 23s and thrown in against ex premier players and not look out of their depth? All the players that have played the last 3 will come on for the experience but they in reality are probably at least another season away from being ready. To see personal insults aimed at young lads doing their best in a situation that was nothing of their making is sad. Never mind as a barnsley fan, these moronic fans have problems as basic human beings.
I agree with nearly all that except for it having developed them. Throwing them into a toxic, defeated environment for three games and being outclassed may well have done some more harm than good. Not their fault though.
You learn a lot more in adversity than in triumph. That's a basic life fact and is true also in football.
It's not really a fact of life though is it? It's just a proverb and the opposite can equally be true. Anyway, just my opinion.
This isn't related to yesterday's performance. Though on that would say some players were not giving it their all which is sad to see. no pride in the club from top to bottom. It's not strictly true because there are some low level employees who really care but can't actually make much difference however this season has shown me that there are also way too many employees below board level who are very much 'its not my job' or have no pride or quite simply don't give a toss about the supporters. The catering staff. It's low level yes but so many of those serving would rather be anywhere but the ground. Miserable, slow, no pride at all etc. Carpark staff. They could not give a toss. Stood vaping with the other hand in pocket looking like they hate the job and hate supporters. Stewards? Literally "it's not my job". The odd one are brilliant, the rest are pathetic. Then there's specific things like when supporters have sent emails and whoever reads them hasn't been arsed to even acknowledge receipt. That's just bone idle and showing contempt for supporters. Vouchers? MANY club employees saw the anger about vouchers this season. How many gave a toss to do anything about it though? Whitey says it was grassroots employees who eventually sorted it off their own back. Well sorry but the marketing manager knew about it and if he did **** all it's a disgrace. He's since been promoted to director. Director for not giving a toss enough to sort it? Great. The flag? How many fècking club employees saw the state of that flag every day when they went to work? How many mentioned it before they were having the piss took out of them on twitter? Evidently very few if any. The list of examples where employees too to bottom didn't give a toss this season is absolutely ridiculous and something that needs sorting out.
What a read now. That post should be stuff of BBS legend now. So much dogs abuse simply for giving his opinion which was proved to be spot on.