It isn’t embarrassing so far. Covered flight of young talent to other areas of the country because of lack of skilled jobs. As someone who moved away from Barnsley after university I can certainly relate.
Mi Mam was interviewed in abart 1985 and told it as it was....DISGUSTING was her last word. Mi auntie Mary was even more forthcoming and both were 100% Correct, bless em both.
pleasantly surprised how fair and how well that came over, but just highlights the lack of investment around the north in general and Barnsley in particular. Sadly the biggest investments into South Yorkshire came from European funding under Objective One status that the Tories couldn't influence, and people voted so heavily against
My daughter works in a very senior management position at Pitstop Productions and started there around 13 years ago after leaving Barnsley college with music technology qualifications. At the time there were only a handful of employees. The business is expanding and they have many more employees and are diversifying and have offices and studios ties in several countries. and work not just on sound but video and mo-cap. They are well regarded in the industry and have major clients like Sony.
Yes she has a good work ethic and her father's brains and mother's looks (or is that father's looks and mother's brains)? ..most likely her mother's looks AND brains. Quite a stressful job though so not all plain sailing. I asked why she wasn't included and she said "she was 'hiding' and had just stuffed a piece of melon in her mouth when they walked into her office .