Don't pay for water, bore hole and septic tank. Heating is oil, which granted has gone up, but it still works out less than gas, from memory in our old house. Water thermostat set to 68°.
Aren't you supposed to pay for water from a bore hole? I know that in some countries it's metered, albeit at a much lower cost than buying it from the provider.
As a new driver she's still going to be paying through the nose I suspect. I am a very old driver. But for house or any other insurance it's well worth checking out different quotes. No one wants to lose existing customers so they'll bring the price right down.
Daft thing is, she'll have had her licence 3 1/2 years but barely driven in that time but that will lower her premiums and I'll be a named driver too.
If its on your policy then maybe. Insurance companies basically make it up. And their 'get out' clauses are unbelievable. Do you get someone to inspect your roof every 2 years? If not then any claim on roofing work will be invalid.