Sadly the blue tits in our garden were too discerning for our box this year (despite looking like they'd go for it for about a week). Such picky things they are! Enjoy them, and hope they fledge well.
Five days ago..... Today...... Amazing how they change so quick. Sadly there were 5, now only 4 as the nest was in an old box on the floor, caught a magpie pulling the bedding thru the hole and it managed to pull one out, but I heard it's "ack ack" just in time and saved the other four. Moved the box to a higher level and parents have continued to feed them, so hopefully these will make it. Magpies are now above squirrels on my deathlist.
Aww go on the lads. We've got blue tits about to fledge in our garden, been cheeping away for a couple of weeks.
I think I got chastised for including a comment like that a few weeks ago. Some on here are quite sensitive.