Remember a while ago when I did a post and said three coaches that I would like? One was Micheal Carrick the other Lee Johnson and the third I can't remember. Anyway, the unrealistic one at the time in my head was that of former England, Manchester United and West Ham Midfielder Carrick. According to this article, Mr Carrick does not only want to go be a full-time Head- Coach but he's considering Lincoln City FC If those choosing the next head coach at Oakwell haven't already heard from him go and get his number and contact him.
I thought Carrick too. I would be happy with us giving him his break in head coaching. His contacts would be good.
Niceone. Good mind and all that. It's unlikely still and we will end up with Devaney or someone about as appealing as sprouts on a Christman Lunch plate. But to allow me to be hopeful. He would add a winning mentality, a want to impress from the players to one of the best midfielders the Country's produced in a long time and still got that youthful feel that would also fit in with a younger squad.
I was thinking Jody Morris assistant to Lampard at Derby and Chelsea and managed Chelsea u23s not sure what he's doing now as wiki no info after he left Chelsea
Mentioned this in another thread, left Everton to persue a management position. Did well with Everton youth and when he stepped is a caretaker, played at the highest level and should have the respect of the players working for him
Doesn’t look like worked out for him then. Wonder why. Article written in Feb & talking to 4 clubs. edit Ignore misread thought it was longer than a couple of months ago!!!!
Not half !!!!!!!! But he fits the bill (apart from not been a yes man like). Works on a budget. Few promotions on his CV. Great at developing young players. Charasmatic. Not in work (no compo) Managed at all levels. Doesn't mind the North (Blackpool and Grimsby) Nutty as a box of frogs, loads of English league experience, Great media pull. Plays good football. All the players who he's managed speak so highly of him without fail. It's a no brainer for me. But it has been for the last 4-5 appointments. Ah well....... Not to worry.
I hardly ever agree with much you post, but I could get behind that one. Has to be a better punt than another anonymous unknown
If we’re now allowing formerly banned posters to return to this forum (under different accounts/usernames) can we at least let thereev post on here again? He was quite entertaining and spoke more sense than this plank. If anyone actually thinks Michael fking Carrick would manage us in League One you’re either on spice or as thick as the OP. Hope this helps.