Wife's off round town with the ladies Saturday and she asked if I knew the best curry house in Barnsley , I said I didn't but I know a few lads and lasses who do. Answers below please . Cheers
I always liked Chili next door to The Silkstone spoons. King prawns the size of your head. Think there's a champagne bar upstairs too.
There's only two in the town centre, Chilli on Market St. and Bombay Rasoi in Peel Square. Both are good.
Chilli up Market St no longer exists. It’s called Chicken Piri Piri now I believe, a Scottish franchise similar to Nando’s. Only other curry house in town centre is the one above Corner Pin that’s been there for donkeys years. Not been there in ages so no idea what it’s like. All other curry houses now are out of town.
I went to the one in peel square above the bookies the other week and it was fantastic. If you fancy a slight walk out of town there's Gate of India on Gawber road that is very nice.
There’s always the Market Kitchen, which has a curry house and a Thai food, along with other choices. Also, the cocktail bar
Tell her to get to Wakey. She can taste the best curries at the Bombay Palace and she'll get home quicker.
Rajah foods in matket kitchen is exceptional. Topped my previous favourite royal spice at darton. Still like both but RF the best. Love MK too so good all round.