Before I start (could be a long one this) the following could apply to many walks of life but I'll keep it BFC related. BFCST, Tykes TV, Red All Over, EyUp & Down, all the various matchday bloggers, Red Sky, etc etc apologies if I've missed anyone. The aforementioned do their thing because they love the club. All go about it in different ways but ultimately it's the same end goal. It's either to keep fans engaged, spread news, entertain, laugh, cry, celebrate or commiserate. It's what loving a club is all about. It's about unity, involvement, participating, talking, discussing, debating, sharing ideas, congratulating, because all of those things are what a fan base should ultimately be about. It's something, for obvious reasons, that has been sadly missing these last 12 months. Slagging off on social media, bitching, back biting, critisising, fighting and arguing in the stands. It's pathetic it really is. Now is a time for unity more than anytime else. Now going back to the various groups I mentioned at the start of my rant (it's coming)..... All good decent people. Wanting the best for the club and supporters. So if YOU'RE one of the ones who continually slags some or one of them off then I've got an idea. Get off your arses and get involved. Join in. Ask to help. Come with ideas. Offer suggestions. It's really easy. But I suppose it's easier to sit down and criticise. So if that's what you feel more comfortable doing then crack on but don't have the audacity to get on at folk who spend countless hours (for nowt) trying to help create an non match day 'match day experience'. I saw other day on social media .... "Someone ought to organise a protest!" ........ Well no, if you feel that strongly about something that you feel a protest is in order get into first gear and do something about it. Don't rely on others. Boils my p155. Rant over. Thanks and sorry. Don't get me started on bottling or not wanting a face to face chat rather than constantly messaging ! F o o k me I'm getting old.
Sorry, crossed wires. My initial reply was referring to your boiling piss, hence the follow on responses.