Good job its free shocking stuff misplaced passes ,poor control of ball , shooting non descript trying to remember who it reminds me of
Not us we don't shoot lol. It was staggering to find Woodrow had 6th most shots in the Championship last season. When?
As Danny Baker said on Twitter, this competition is like if everyone who lost in the Olympics got together to have a race to see who'd win.
Wish I’d gone down the Garrison, but I promised to watch it with my lad who had just leapt from the top of the arm chair in joy. It’s more than he’s had from Barnsley all season.
From what I’ve seen you could substitute us for Rangers. Very ordinary going forward, somehow manage to score then hang back enough to let an equally impotent attack score.
Correct spent the match convincing myself we could beat these two teams and what level of football @English leagues belongs to
If you ask Rangers fans of all ages what they think of him you'd find out that kids and grown ups love him so.
Did you not watch us last season? Our players would be knackered after 30 minutes in that heat. No chance of beating either of those teams.
My point was on the face of it the quality of the football on show is poor and that's being nice. how would these two teams fare in the English championship.
Personally I'd put them both ahead of Huddersfield. Rangers are missing quite a few key players as well, not sure about Frankfurt.
Anyone else getting a bit bored of games going to penalties now!? Could be like the T20 , just go straight to pens in cup competitions!