It’s Norman Dean’s birthday today, 78. Another random fact, we sold Dick Hewitt to York City for £400.
He was a good signing. Did he come to us from Everton or am I getting him mixed up with Dixie Dean? Dirty blighter Hewitt. I think pre match he was told to just go round kicking people.
We bought Norman Dean from Cardiff for £10,000. He scored several goals for them in the European Cupwinners' Cup. He was a very talented player.
Yes Dick Hewitt was left footed - very skilful. Sadly no longer with us. Norman Dean had a terrific shot, originally at Southampton best man at Martin achievers wedding. Displaced at Southampton by Ron Davis.
Bob Earnshaw par-time (also school teacher) very very quick! My uncle used to tell me about Gavin Smith also a speedy winger. Blanchflower passes to Smith - crowd screams “open t’ gates!
I agree. Earnshaw should have scored far more goals than he did. Although he was quick he wasn't too technically gifted and I remember him scooting down the right wing at speed only to knock the ball too far in front of him and go out for a goal kick!! Aah those were the days!!!
If memory serves me correctly as I'm knocking on abit wasn't Earnshaw an amateur I think he was a School teacher in Rotherham.
I remember Norman, a bit enigmatic as he had great talent but could drift in and out of games, I think a bad injury ended his career. According to all my record books though, his birthday is 13th September.